Okay lets see.... About 1.2m people voted for it back the first time, and they didn't need the account's passes to vote. ANYONE could have put those names in there, and thats why *here were that many votes, and now there is about 600k people voting for the second half, 90% yes, 8% no, 2% not sure...Where did the other 600k votes go? Yea... and its been 5 days, and those 1.2m votes for the first voting part came in 1 day... So either Jagex will not add free trade and back into the game if they PAY ATTENTION to this, or just comepletly ignore the numbers and pay attention to the percentages of the numbers and say, "Oh, 90% of Runescape players want it back, then we'll give it to them!"
29-Dec-2010 22:05:56