People who reply in the same way as this last player here should be banned. And if they do get banned, I bet they kill themselves because they have absolutely NO LIFE.
Soul Mousey was trying to make is point with some very good arguments, and I happen to fully agree with him/her.
Of course, other players who are too stupid to make some counterarguments just try to flabbergast people who are smarter than they are, by saying that "if you don't like the things that I like, you should get out!"
I am firmly against free trade coming back. Not that I don't think a 10k limit is bull crap, I'd just hate to see bots coming back.
Oh and Kunemkez2, botting is unforgivable. You do it, you get perm banned. This is not the place to try and appeal such bans. You just can't. Sorry.
04-Jan-2011 07:26:17