My personal opinion, is for it to be brought back, this is because many runescapers were brought up with both the old wilderness, and free trade, that's how the original Runescape was, for all those people i'm pretty sure they prefered them days to now days. Exactly why so many quit when it all changed, but i personally think the people complaining getting a nosebleed over the whole thing changing back, is because they were brought up playing runescape with trade limit and bounty hunter or got scammed/lured maybe? I think if Runescape was original, where all the players were free, not limited etc, Majority of the players who quit would come back and new players would stay for longer instead of playing for short periods of time then quitting, i think it would do Jagex a massive favour, yes scamming, botting, rwt will increase or atleast still be around, but that's where players have to use their own brains instead of Jagex using their brains for them...Before you accept a trade, double check exactly what is in that trade, not sure about something ask someone before finishing off the deal. Worried someone is luring you? Don't follow them...Simple. Use your brain...For the botting, Jagex are always thinking of ways to stop these, always updating ways to decrease this, even with trade limit, and new wildy etc it was full of botters, so it doesn't matter if they change the wildy back and add free trade back because either way...there's botters? Just Jagex are always trying to stop it...but it's not easy? With rwt, well that's the same...Jagex can reduce this, may take alot but record players movements or something idk, that might not be possible, but it's an examples of stopping rwt/botting. I just think Runescape should be Runescape back in the day, without limiting all the players it's like being on a leash, but this is my view/opinion, I'm sure Jagex can sort things out (:
11-Jan-2011 15:51:43