i believe that we should just make some of the PvP worlds wilderness only, without the target system that the Bounty Worlds use. Also, the player who gets attacked should not be skulled, and should get to keep their three items. This will prevent clans from scamming people out of serious cash, as has happened to many players in the past. As far as the scamming of free trade goes, i think that the GE Price should remain on the trading screen as a way to counteract the would-be scammers. And is there any way to counteract the merch clans, because they are a big nuisance and without them Runescape would be even better. Im tired of getting spammed everytime i go to the GE to buy something, plus the more expensive armor rises or falls 500k-1m in a day because of them... thats ridiculous.
11-Jan-2011 15:37:33