
Your Barrows Tips Thread is locked

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May Member 2023


Posts: 12 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1. Always bring pray potsand super/extreme sets to stat boost

2. This is the way i kill the BB's or Barrow Brothers i do Dharok first since u will need prays for this even with good defence, then any of the next 4 just save Ahrims last since he strips you of ur super/extreme pot set stats

05-Jan-2012 15:09:14

Jan Member 2022


Posts: 55 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
When doing barrows alot of people leave with half a inventory of food and no prayer potions, a good idea is to switch the amount of food you bring with prayer potions and only take 4 or 5 food with you, you can do 4-5 runs depending on your level and save a lot of time and teleports! note- bringing bones to peaches tablets also work great and replace the need to bring any food!

05-Jan-2012 15:09:44

Dec Member 2020


Posts: 1,736 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My tips for newcomers to the Barrows activity:
-If you search for a very effective, yet cheap way to complete the Barrows, use a Black Salamander as your weapon. Very good even for low level players to complete the Barrows. Not only that, but it contains all 3 combat styles, so you can always have the advantage. To make it even better, It is ideal for defeating Akrisae, as it is only 1 click to change combat styles without wasting valuable inventory space because of other weapons.
-If you have low defence then use your best defensive equipment. If you are rather a high defence (90+) then use equipment with a good defence against magic. This will make Ahrim much easier. Prayer boosting armours are welcome aswell.
-Korasi's Sword's special if very effective against melee brothers, such as Dharok, Verac, Guthan and Torag.
-Don't let Karil's combat type fool you. He is a ranger, but he is very weak against magic (handy for your black salamander or other magic spells)
-Memorize the puzzle door. That will make it much easier and faster to continue in the tunnels.
-Have a 1 click teleport with you incase things go wrong. Better be safe than sorry.
-Drakan's Medaillion is a very handy tool to Barrow with. Although i recommand using the teleport along with your house teleport, where you can restore prayer points, go in the Kharyrll teleport. Then you can easily bank in Canafis and even use a free teleport to the Barrows!
My gear setup:
-Verac's Helm > Neitiznot helm
-Armadyl chestplate
-Armadyl chainskirt
-Soulwars cape
-Black Salamander (with ammo)
-Fury, but glory is almost as good.
-Infinity boots
-RFD Gloves
-spec. weapon: Korasi's Sword
-Ring of Wealth
-4 Prayer potions
-Drakan's Medaillion
-House teleport
-Food (atleast swordfish)
-Space for rewards (lol)
Well for the rest, just try it out, try different methods to kill them and much luck on your future loot! Don't forget to never give up!

05-Jan-2012 15:13:09 - Last edited on 05-Jan-2012 15:34:59 by Marikdebie



Posts: 5,859 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You can be mighty warrior, but just be sure you can bring ring of life with you. Accidents can happen. It also might be worth while do The giant dwarf quest and buy the best gravestone that you can affort incase you happen die in barrows.

05-Jan-2012 15:17:47



Posts: 9,292 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Use prayer renewal potions for a constant boost to help overcome the random prayer drains in the barrows and catacombs. This will ensure you always have prayer if you need it - although be careful with it and be ready to turn it back on, because you won't have much and it could be drained again.
Exploit defensive weaknesses. Use magic or crush against the melee brothers, ranged or slash against the mage, and stab or slash against the ranger. Use slash or ranged against Akrisae as well - ideally switching between the two in response to his prayers.
Carve our dreams in sanguine stone/Strength corporeal and of mind
Walls of our flesh, bricks of our bone/Deadly intent to defend our kind

05-Jan-2012 15:18:03



Posts: 275 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
the best way to do barrows (in my opinion) is to use a polypore staff and bring alot of ppots and a ring of wealth (for better drops)
the polypore staff is very good on them seeing that it is a magical weapon and most of the barrows brothers are melee but the staff still hits quite high on kharil and ahrim aswell, if u want to you can bring guthans wich will heal you when you attack (not each attack). it is probably best if you brought a weapon such as a dragon dagger or dragon claws.

05-Jan-2012 15:21:56



Posts: 302 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1)You don't have to complete "Branches of Darkmeyer" only up to the point where player receives the Drakan's Medallion.
It provides teleports around Morytania useful for Barrowing:
Burgh de Rott: Banking
Upper Tier of Darkmeyer: A vampyric altar to the Northwest of teleport spawn (Warning: Vyrewatch will attack player if not wearing the Darkmeyer disguise, Hood/Top/Bottom/Boots all required to be non-aggressive), and a bank 1 block north of teleport spawn.
Using the teleport option within Morytania uses up no charges. Everything Past the River Lum and in the Wilderness will use up 1 charge.
2)J-Mod needs to correct the "Your Barrows Tips, Please!" as no spade is needed anymore. On top of each crypt has permanent spades protuding from the ground that came with the graphical update for the Barrows.

05-Jan-2012 15:22:25 - Last edited on 05-Jan-2012 16:38:01 by WritingToMe

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