TIP: If you have 70 attack, range, 70/82/94 Magic, and access to the Ancient magiks, you can use a combination of a black salamander and freezing spells on the melee brothers. Just freeze them, step diagonal, and attack them with your black salamander on "Magic." If you use Ice Barrage, they will unfreeze after 6 hits. Ice Blitz - 4 hits. Ice burst - 2 Hits. After you have attacked them that many times with the salamander, run behind the sarcophagus and wait a few seconds. Then freeze them again and repeat.
It may be better to bring a dragon dagger instead of dragon claws. A dragon claw special attack is essentially a stronger version of a dragon dagger's special attack, but the claws can only do two special attacks in a row, while the dagger can do four.
Ahrim tends to cast cursing spells more often than fire wave, so protect from magic is not necessarily required against him. However, if you don't think you can kill him fast enough, then protect from magic is recommended.
This is the order I kill the brothers in:
Dharok -> Karil -> Verac -> Ahrim -> Torag -> Guthan
Reasoning: Dharok should go first, while you have full prayer points. Once he is dead, you should have enough points left to pray piety and protect from range long enough to defeat Karil. After those two are dead, prayer is not as important if you use the freezing method, since Verac, Torag, and Guthan can't touch you, and Ahrim spends more time cursing you than he does trying to damage you.
Trivia: My friend used the ring of wealth often at Barrows after the update. He had a huge dry streak while using it (about 50). After that he decided to take off his ring, and on his next chest he got a Barrows item.
One last tip: Kill count does not increase your chances of getting a barrows item, just how many runes/coins/racks you can get.
05-Jan-2012 21:00:02