Kill the brothers in the following order: Dharok, Verac, Akrisae (after ROTM), Torag, Guthan and finally Ahrim. Bring some strong defensive gear, preferably barrows armour or bandos with a good weapon and shield. My preferred set-up is Helm of Neitiznot, Rune platebody and platelegs, Abyssal Whip and a dragon defender. Use magic if possible, slayers dart works a treat. Bring a good spec weapon such as Korasi's Sword, Dragon Claws or a Dragon Dagger (P++) to speed up the run. Bring a set of potions whether it is normal attack, strength, defence or a super set. These work well but extremes or overloads are obviously better.
Make sure you bring prayer potions as during the activity your prayer will be drained slightly every now and then. Bring good healing food, a ring of wealth for extra loot, restore potions as Ahrim lowers your stats and an emergency teleport to ensure a successful trip!
05-Jan-2012 21:11:08