I have been defeating the barrows brothers since i was lvl 70. So heres my tip: If your a low level trying to get in on the riches that are abundant in the tombs, i suggest using the god spells. ( Flames of Zamorak, Claws of Guthix Ect.) Because it only requires 60 magic to preform, and they hit relatively high. Some good armour to bring would be mystic robes of any kind, for they are easily attainable, cheap, and dont make you cry when you lose them. For inventory filler I suggest 5-8 preayer potions or super restores, a super set (defence, strength, attack) for when you fight Karil and Ahrim, Dragon Dagger, a quick teleport method such as a Varrock Teleport Tab, (Incase of Emergencies) then fill the rest with sharks. I normally go after the melee brothers first, as this setup is mostly for magic. Then dose up on the super set and take on Karil with the dragon dagger. After that finish Ahrim off with either magic or your dragon dagger and your good to go.
Hope this tip was helpful.
Your friendly neighbor hood Finall man.......
05-Jan-2012 18:51:50