1(weaknesses/ideal attack styles):
Bring mage, slayer dart, or better yet, polypore staff are ideal as they're particularly cheap and very effective, but any decent combat spell works; an arcane stream and a vecna skull/ext mage/ovl are advised to maximise killing speed - magic accuracy isn't so important, but it helps to keep it positive at least. You can kill all the melee brothers (including Akris**) extremely fast with mage; a ranged weapon is advised for Ahrim but melee slash works well too, and a dds or claws (on slash) are ideal for Karil, though PPS kills Karil plenty fast anyway if you're not a fan of melee. Remember to bring at least 2 attack styles for Akrisae - whether it be magic and melee or magic and ranged isn't that important though. Kill Dharok 1st, followed by Ahrim or Karil depending on weapon/armour choice, the order of the rest of the melee brothers makes little difference, melee protect doesn't prevent Guthan from healing if he would've hit you without prayer.
Drakan's medallion is very useful for restoring prayer quickly in between trips, but remember you can't teleport while in combat and you'll still have no prayer in the tunnels if you don't take a potion; Taking binds of some form (e.g. entangle/ice spells/bolas) helps a lot to negate the need for prayer on the melee brothers (most notably Dharok), but you'll still want prayer for either Ahrim or Karil depending on your choice of armour to avoid using much food. Remember to use whatever boosting prayers you can until your prayer runs out to make the most of it - turmoil/piety/other boosting prayers as appropriate, and soul split or protection prayers for overheads. If you don't take binding spells (ideally an ice spell) then remember at least 1 prayer potion dose just in case you get Dharok in the tunnels.
05-Jan-2012 17:28:07
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05-Jan-2012 19:40:28