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Forum Moderator Posts: 115 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hi Stunna:

"will there be an ebook of it? cbh to carry them books around anymore?"

That is a question for Titan Books to address, but what with the growth in E-books in recent years it is something that is certainly subject to debate!

16-Oct-2010 21:24:25



Forum Moderator Posts: 115 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Good evening Beau Peep:

"What inspired you to develop the multiple storylines within Betrayal at Falador? For instance we know the one storyline focuses on Kara and her past in which she tries to discover herself and another storyline is Sulla's rise to control of the Kinshra but they appear like they were written as a continuation of their respective stories."

Good question. Some feedback on book one was that the perspectives shifted too much from one character to the next, so in book 2 the characters are more limited in their point of views which makes for a far tenser storyline. There are still the main characters of course.

16-Oct-2010 21:27:54



Forum Moderator Posts: 115 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
In answer to Heim Krab:

"2. I recall that in one point of the book, the main character must go to taverly from falador. In-game this takes about 25 seconds, but in the book it takes him 2 days!(I think). How did you come up with this figure? I'm not saying that it should be 25 seconds in the book...but what made you write 2 days?"

Thank you for your congratulations Heim! I added the distances in Betrayal to give the book a sense of realism in the interactions between nations and characters. A two day journey was a large enough distance and time for characters to experience the fear of such a journey and let the reader appreciate the trip.

16-Oct-2010 21:30:49



Forum Moderator Posts: 115 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
In answer to DemonLarupia:

"1 who is your fave character from betrayal at falador?(mine is gar'rth because of his unique personality(you know what i mean :P i said it this way to avoid acidentially giving away spoilers))"

Good choice. Gar'rth is one of my favorites too. I think Kara has to take the gold medal from my perspective though. She tries always to be strong yet she is also very vulnerable. It's a good mix.

16-Oct-2010 21:34:08



Forum Moderator Posts: 115 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hi Warrior X-90:

"I have always wondered how writers can WRITE such long books when I can't even READ them, which is a hundred times easier. How did you do it? Did you ever think something like "I've had it! I can't write another word!"? How long did you write the book and how did you plan your time writing the book? Did you "no-life" it, like we like to call it? Thank you for your answer :) "

Hi Warrior. I set myself a target of 1000 words every day and wrote after work (or before work in some cases) for a few hours. Very quickly it built up and after 6 months we had a book of 180,000 words which I then edited down by 25% for each chapter! That was the hardest part.

16-Oct-2010 21:36:58



Forum Moderator Posts: 115 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Good evening Mijnnaam:

"2) How did you got the ideas for the names? I mean, Kara-meir isn't an often-used name."

Kara was chosen as it is a rare(ish) name and sounded suitable for a heroine. It also sounds quite a hard word, and therefore suitable for something that would translate to "wolf". (And doesn't that say something about Kara's character itself?)

16-Oct-2010 21:39:24



Forum Moderator Posts: 115 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

"5. How long have you had a passion for writing?"

For 10 years before starting Betrayal at Falador. I have reams of work that still sits on my hard drive and in folders on my shelves. The truth is none of this work is ever wasted - you learn from it and find out what works and doesn't.

16-Oct-2010 21:41:42 - Last edited on 16-Oct-2010 21:48:18 by Mod Hohbein



Forum Moderator Posts: 115 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

"On the desk in front of you is a Wilderness Guardians pen from RuneFest, some string, a red paperclip and a tuning fork.

What do you do?"

Panic. Then call Mod Mark for help. (He's a fan of the A team so I think we could built something here in the Jagex offices out of sticky back plastic to execute a daring and dangerous escape!)

16-Oct-2010 21:43:41



Forum Moderator Posts: 115 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
In answer to Perkosrdjan9:

"Could you tell us a bit about yourself?"

I have had a lot of these requests since Betrayal came out and we're putting an author microsite together in the next few days to answer them.

In the meantime, I hope you will be satisfied with the following:

31 years old with hair beginning to go grey!

16-Oct-2010 21:46:09

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