Sorry Jagex, but you guys don't deserve this at all this year. Since you seem to care so much about this award in the past, I hope that this year you suffer a crushing defeat and that it actually opens your eyes about the reality of your game.
The biggest disappointment I had with this year was that it was dubbed "The Year of the Player" by some doorknob moderator (MMG?), and thus far you guys have failed to live up to this bold declaration.
This year has been another year of completely appalling Customer Service, a terrible lack of interaction with the community in regards to questions, serious game issues, and inquiries about important things that are posted here on the forums. And worst of all, you continue to degrade the integrity of this game into dust as more & more MTX are added into RuneScape. I could max this post out by citing dozens of specific examples, but I will save my breath - you know exactly what you've done.
I hope this year serves as a wake up call and that you guys put forward a better effort next year. You have absolutely
no reason not to
invest a little more time, money, and energy in these lacking areas of the game & your customer service now that you are making an absolute killing off of Bonds, SGS, and SoF combined.
RuneScape is now officially a Pay-to-Win game. How about using some of those profits to prove the skeptics among us wrong, and actually further the development of this game & your relationship with your disgruntled community?
07-Oct-2013 21:45:17