Mudkip Joey - If you have come across a bug you can submit a bug report directly to Jagex by looking under the 'Support' list at the bottom of your forum window and *licking on 'Submit a Bug Report'.
I feel like it would be a good idea for Jagex to leave a seperate server open for Runescape 2006. If they're worried about financial issues, make the membership double. I mean, I would pay double membership to play runescape 2006 over this new EoC anyday.
no soy 8un moderador pero,cual es el problema, no te sabes las contestcaciones del J.A.G?puestienes que enviarle un email a JAG@jagex.​comy te ayudarAN. a MI me paso lo mismo y le envia el email y me ayudaron.Espero que te ayuden pronto,my friend
life is a paradox, which may lead to undesired endings.