Q1: "What is the difference between updating Beta and Live game, and EOC and RS at the same time is?"
A1: Beta is updated once each 2-3 weeks, Live game is updated each 1-2 days. If you want that Jagex maintains this update rate for each game, I'm sorry but it's impossible.
Q2: "Why JaGeX is going to put the EOC in after all of the negative feedback from the Beta?"
A2: Firstly, If you want a more elaborated repsonse form a JMod, see the "Evolution of Combat Transcript" thread (QFC: 14-15-652-64012690).
Jagex has stated three answers for this:
- They had put too much effort, money and time to ***** it all.
- RuneScape cannot survive too much time with an OBSOLETE system, and they can't do any new upgrate to it without the need of this new system.
- Negative feedback doesn't help to improve the game. Ranting, complaining, saying opinions can't do anything. If you want a better RuneScape, give sugestions and feedback to upgrate the EoC. If you can't do that, simply quit.
Q3: Why there HONESTLY can't be seperate servers?
A3: Because three main reasons:
- One of the vertions of the game will gain more popularity that the other, and slowly this second vertion will go dead (as it happened with RS Classic). That's a waste of money for Jagex, too.
- Two vertions of the same game cannot subsist at same time sharing the same character, as one of them will have contnet that the other doesn't; this will lead to the (unfair) advantage of the user of the lastest vertion.
- Updating two vertions at same time will worth twice the money, twice the employees, twice the work.
Any other question, seach in QFC: 14-15-652-64012690. I hope I helped you.
09-Oct-2012 23:29:31