
Game Engine & CM Answers! Thread is locked

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Mod Chris E

Mod Chris E

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Any mod that can answer this

Is it possible that if a mage cast a spell, or some missiles are being fired/launched but you run away they get stopped by obstacles like walls instead of flying through them?


Certainly possible with future upgrades.

13-Apr-2012 18:47:15

Mod Chris E

Mod Chris E

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
What is Runetek 5 going to do that we will notice while playing the game?

- You're already playing RT5!

After watching the brand new runescape trailer I thought... Will RS graphics ever look like these trailers? Will it? :)

- We certainly hope so...always working on graphics updates.

Bloom does not work on my mac. I can see the effects of it and it looks great, but my screen just doesn't stop flickering when I turn it on... Any fixes for it planned?

- Sorry. Mac support for Java is VERY poor, we're always fighting a losing battle against it.

13-Apr-2012 18:48:22

Mod Jane

Mod Jane

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
To Mod Jane:
Since not a lot of people are asking you any questions, what do you do while you wait for a question? :P
BTW, I'm loving this Q&A! I've missed the last one, but I'm happy to participate in this one! :D

Once I've answered any questions directed at me. I've been ensuring these guys here have everything they need so they can be completely focused on answering as many questions as they can. :)

Although the plate with the cakes on is getting disturbingly low and I haven't had any myself!

Edit: Forgot to add... I'm glad you're enjoying the Q&A, we are all enjoying it too! There has been some great questions.

Don't forget to join us at 8pm forum time for Part 2 of the Q&A with the Developers behind the Fremenik Sagas II and The Runespan!

So excited!!!
Mod Jane - Community & Events Director
Follow me on Twitter - @JagexJane

13-Apr-2012 18:49:54 - Last edited on 13-Apr-2012 18:52:21 by Mod Jane

Mod Chris E

Mod Chris E

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
For the Core Development team.

1. When are we going to see substantial fixes for the fps bug? It seems for every step taken forward, 2 are taken back. Somedays my i7 2670 with 8 gigs ddr5 and a Radeon HD 6770m eat this game alive, others I get under 10 fps. I don't have issues with D3, Crysis, the BF series ect... why is the game engine doing this?

- The reason you see variations is because of the different obfuscations that are out there, some are worse than others for performance, but we try to remove the worst performing ones with each update.

2. We were told almost a year ago we'd have the option of not being in our clan chats. This still hasn't happened (ie I am always in clan chat when in the lobby). When is this getting patched?

- I don't know where this one has gone sorry - we will investigate.

13-Apr-2012 18:50:00

Mod Chris E

Mod Chris E

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
To Mod Chris_E:

Hi, me again...I just thought up of another question from my old thread:

Could we expect to see day to night transitions on RuneScape one day?


We already have this a little, but it may be expanded upon in the future.

13-Apr-2012 18:50:38

Mod Chris E

Mod Chris E

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
@ Engine Team - Any possibility players may ever be able to see what they're account ID number is in the system?

I think some players would be curious to know what number out of the vast majority their account is. :P Again not really a pressing question.

- For historic reasons we don't have incrementing account IDs. For players with username logins, these names are hashed into the account ID, for email login players we auto generate a random one.

13-Apr-2012 18:51:59

Mod Michael

Mod Michael

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Hi iluminator5:

"1) Will Skyboxes be implemented into the main game world anytime soon?"

That's up to our content team - the engine will do them, they just need to design some. :)

2) Is Runetek 6 coming anytime soon?

That's our new engine for Transformers. And the answer is: when it's ready. ;)

13-Apr-2012 18:52:08

Mod Chris E

Mod Chris E

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Recently there was a post on the HLF with a great suggestion concerning the Runescape Downloadable Game-Client.

Updating it to such as a Highscores, the Runescape Wiki, Voice-Chat, Screenshots Taker/Uploaded.

Similar to the add-on's Swiftkit provides, are there any plans on an update to the Game-Client to be updated with any of the above or more?


Speaking personally, the downloadable client is a royal pain to update (we have to recompile the entire JVM, class libraries and such like). Whilst we haven't ruled out updates to it, I suspect it's morel likely you will see these as web site features instead.

13-Apr-2012 18:53:15

Mod Chris E

Mod Chris E

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
@ Mod Chris E Can we expect to see true skill mastery skillcapes to ALL skills sometime in the future? I among many of other people find it a bit unfair that only dungeoneerers have the access to these fabulous capes. I'm not requesting levels to go all the way to 120, but requesting if you guys could make these true skill mastery capes to players that have reached (104,2m xp) in a skill (same amount of xp as dg 120 requires).

On a side note: The capes would be designed exactly the same way as dg 120 cape but they'd have a specific skill icon/colours.

- This one's for the content team, sorry.

13-Apr-2012 18:53:42

Mod Stevew

Mod Stevew

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
13-Apr-2012 17:38:44
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Mod Stevew,

What is the current recruitment status of Player Moderators and Forum Moderators?
People say it still happens, but if you ask at the community email, they respond saying that they no longer recruit moderators.

Also, I shall quote Mod Timo from the RuneScape facebook page; Jmod voice-overs in London.
"If you're a good, active, positive player you could always ask another mod to recommend you if we haven't already approached you. - Mod Timo"
A long-time friend of mine has fitted the criteria; I decided to approach a number of player moderators concerning them.
Most of them replied with the reccomendation process being too much hastle, or they were not aware on how to reccomend players.

However, the player in question has been playing for over five years.
I was attempting to approach player moderators because I believe that they deserve a chance at being assessed to see if they are suitable.
There is no other way for players to reccomend a player mod of which I am aware. Is there some way I could suggest them?

Are there any plans or possibilities that players could reccomend other players for moderator-standard assessment without being a mod themselves?



We have slowed down recruitment a lot recently - it now tends to just be small numbers each week and they tend to be people who we need to support events or other initiatives.


We don't have any plans to allow people to nominate others to be a P Mod - let's face it that would be quite open to abuse.

If an existing P Mod asks us to review someone then we will consider it - because we work on the assumption that an exiting P Mod will have a very solid idea of what is suitable - and won't have a secret motive for nominating - such as trying to get another account they use modded.

I do like the idea of a reputation system though - so rather than individual nominations a collective of inputs from different sources would be a nice thing to look at.


13-Apr-2012 18:53:54

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