
Game Engine & CM Answers! Thread is locked

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Mod Jane

Mod Jane

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

Game Engine & CM Answers

In this thread you will find all the answers from the live forum Q&A held on Friday 13th April 2012.

Those present were:

  • Mod Chris E, Mod Michael and Mod Philip from Game Engine.

  • Mod SteveW and Mod Jane from Community Management.

Enjoy! ^_^

Mod Jane - Community & Events Director
Follow me on Twitter - @JagexJane

13-Apr-2012 17:26:52 - Last edited on 17-Apr-2012 09:17:35 by Mod Jane

Mod Chris E

Mod Chris E

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
13-Apr-2012 17:25:57
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To Mod Chris_E:

I understand that you help make the game more exciting :3 I have just one question for you:

Can we expect to see graphical cosmetic items such as Nekomimi cat ears, Anime fox ears/tails or angelic/demonic wings to equip onto our characters for roleplaying purposes in the near future?


I'm not sure I'd go that far!

I know we're continuously updating the cosmetic items available in game, but I don't know about specifics coming up this year, sorry.

13-Apr-2012 17:29:24

Mod Chris E

Mod Chris E

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
1) When will there be a fix to prevent the loss of chat history when switching to or from instanced worlds, the lobby and the game world.

2) Similar to the question of chat history being carried over, what about PIN entry and other once-per-login activation/authentication being carried over as well?


Chat history is lost because we don't want to risk giving your private chat history to someone else atfer you logout. We can alter this for instance world transfers and lobby-game transfers however, you make a good point.

PIN entry is a little fiddlier as it's content and that's harder to preserve across sessions, sorry.

13-Apr-2012 17:31:28

Mod Philip

Mod Philip

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The Guy 7:

"Would you be able to give an explanation as to why untradable items can not be noted? We've been told it's due to technical reasons, but I'm very curious about what they are specifically (and perhaps how difficult they would be to overcome). If the answer is too complicated I'd be happy with some sort of analogy :) ."


Sure - at the moment all tradable items get noted version generated automatically, but untradable ones don't. In fact, we are have already changed this in our development version so that all items can be noted, so you may well see this one in an update in the near future :)
Technical Director

13-Apr-2012 17:32:09

Mod Chris E

Mod Chris E

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
1) Is it possible that we may see more particle effects applied to new or existing items in the game in the near future? Any existing items that you can can comment on?

Definitely! I know the graphics team like to add particle effects to upgraded items where possible, but working within our memory and performance limitations. I don't know specifics about what's planned, sorry.

2) I noticed particle effects tend to be more robust graphics wise than when bloom or lighting is applied to an item. Is it possible that particle effects could be applied to the gaze auras so that the auras don't seem to turn off/on when performing actions?

It's possible, but this one's better directed as a graphics team suggestion.

I ask this question because I think if it's possible for you to create static nonmoving particle effects that such effects could greatly improve the existing gaze auras. (nonmoving meaning particles wouldn't float away from your eyes, or trail when running, etc.)

These are called 'billboards' and we have this functionality in-game as well.

13-Apr-2012 17:33:46

Mod Chris E

Mod Chris E

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13-Apr-2012 17:26:23
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@ Mod Philip/Chris E/Michael, or whomever this may apply to,

Is there any progress on fixing the animation delays that some players have been experiencing for the past 6+ months? Similar animation delay to the Zombie hand emote that was specifically fixed some time ago, there are other cases like that but which are still in the game, however less common for users.

The most prominent case of the issue is with the Warped Gulega Dungeoneering boss, it's special attack's animation is delayed so much that... It hits you before the animation for it displays... >.<

It's a spec that takes all but 1 LP away if you don't dodge it... I think it'd be important to get that fixed right away, but it's been there for so long O_o

It happens with a lot of Dungeoneering bosses now that I think about it. I've tried all graphics options, manual settings and all, but still see it, others I know experience it as well, but a lot don't.

Do people at JaGeX acknowledge this animation delay in many things? Perhaps due to it's scarcity in players that experience them it hasn't been noticed, that's another reason I'm asking this question. I've sent bug reports on it, but to no avail....


I'm not aware of any engine issues which would cause this - if your game is otherwise quick to respond then it implies a scripting issue with the content, but I can't say for sure without testing and feedback from the developers. If you've already submitted a bug report (which I suspect you may have), then please hold tight - we will get to it eventually!

13-Apr-2012 17:35:56

Mod Philip

Mod Philip

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Im Caroline:

"@ Mod Philip

I'm sure you're going to be spammed with questions like these tonight, but what is the status of Optimus and the second (and final?) bot nuke? As an avid runecrafter (you know, going to the altars and crafting nats/astrals/deaths/bloods), it is a primary source of income and, as expected, bots have obliterated the profits from this once again. Can we expect it anytime soon? My profits depend on it ;_;... "


I can't say too much about the release date, as we don't want to tell the botters too much about how we are getting on. However, I can tell you that we are working on it at the moment, and we are hoping to be able to get rid of the bots again in the near future, and keep on kicking them while they are down, so that they can't get up again... :P

Optimus should help us to do this, as should some other things we are working on (it is not by any means the only trick up our sleeves). Watch this space... (sorry I can't tell you more).
Technical Director

13-Apr-2012 17:36:55

Mod Michael

Mod Michael

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Hi Aimme:

"1. You have done some amazing graphics reworks recently, have you plans to convert to 64-bit and essentially create RS3(D)?"

Glad you like the reworks. :) We're constantly working on improvements to our engine tech from all angles to improve the game. Supporting 64-bit isn't something we actively need to do, per se, but the kind of processor tech (such as multi-core CPUs) that accompanies it is definitely something we continually try to take advantage of.

"2. Have you thought about adding a zoom function and/or a first person camera view?"

Our engine actually supports these kinds of features already - the decision to use them is very much a creative one. It's certainly something that would be worth asking our content team!

3. My avatar has vertigo and she gets dizzy at the top of tree gnome stronghold, please could we have some safety rails?

Hehe, I'll pass on your suggestion. :)

13-Apr-2012 17:37:18

Mod Chris E

Mod Chris E

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Hi Engine team :)

Alrighty so I have a few questions for you guys, first the ones everyone are dying to know:

1: Optimus? Is it close to being released (I.E Will we see it before summer?).

- Yes, it's close

2: This fps issue - is a fix nearby? (As someone who knows little to nothing about computer programming, I assume once this is fixed we will see less lag? :P )

- The release date for the improvement is related to optimus.

And my own personal questions:

3: The friends and clan chat updates have been 2 of the most important updates in rs over the past 10 years, are there any further tweaks we can expect for these (I.E A shared ignore list amongst ranks for a friends chat?)

- I don't think we have anything planned for clan/friends chat at this time, sorry.

4: Finally, have you guys seen that Wii U console? It looks amazing, it's always been asked whether or not runescape will either see itself on a home console...does the Wii U not look like the perfect one for rs? I mean the possibilities of what you could do are endless! :D

- We haven't given up on the idea of getting RuneScape onto consoles, so who knows, one day!

13-Apr-2012 17:37:44

Mod Jane

Mod Jane

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Mod Jane,
You know the campaign? :P

Know it? I own it! :P

Vote Chocatrice! :D
Mod Jane - Community & Events Director
Follow me on Twitter - @JagexJane

13-Apr-2012 17:39:57

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