Is it going to look like some of the wildlands already in runescape, or will it look completely different?
It looks unlike anything you've ever seen in runescape before.
I've a question for Wizard Finix,
It's been a while since the initial investment you asked for regards the Runespan, I just wanted to know the progress of my Infinite supply of runes? I don't mean to be rude it's just it's been a while and my army is tiring of using Diango's Firecrackers as a substitute for fire spells.
Many Thanks
Dear Klobleo,
Although it is theoritically possible to create an infinate number of runes; the nature of what you are asking for is rather impractical. I do not remember offering you an infiniate runes nor does it sound like something I would promise! If you would like inifinite number runes then I suggest you start by getting yourself to the altars and start making runes before the altars run out!
Yours quite frankly!
Wizard Finix
Will Runespan be a complete overhaul and new way to train Runecrafting?
More of a giant addition but in theory, yes.
Speaking of Magic, will there be a new spell to allow you to teleport to your friends if they are on the same world as you? If so, when will this happen? And what runes will be needed for the spell to be used?
I like the idea behind this but there are a large number of reasons why this would be difficult. Balacing/level locked areas/the other person not wanting you to teleport to them are just a few.
If The Runespan is like on the concept art / wallpaper you shown at the BTS, will the place have skyboxes?
Yes, it uses skyboxes.
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13-Apr-2012 23:29:33