
Developer & CM Answers! Thread is locked

Quick find code: 254-255-170-63698139

Mod Stevew

Mod Stevew

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Mod Stevew
Guess your starting to find me annoying...but I don't give a crap tbh, the longer you ignore the harder I start pushing.
Address the WHOLE Dutch community if you are willing to find the time or are capable to...or else send someone who is willing and capable....treat your >>customers<< as adults for a change and not as a bunch of "dumb kids" that are pleased with every nonsense / lies you ( Jagex ) try to let us believe.
Find the time or let someone find the time to address this thread....and I am not asking for myself but for a WHOLE COMMUNITY...meaning loads of your CUSTOMERS.
As the Dutch community have never had the game translated, it's a fair enough assumption that our Dutch players have a fairly good understanding of English.
We don't have specific Dutch support right now, but our Dutch players do have their own forums and they are of course welcome on the English forums.
We don't have any immediate plans to recruit Dutch staff, but we will always try to provide fantastic and inclusive community support for everyone, regardless of the players native language.

13-Apr-2012 21:22:48

Mod Jane

Mod Jane

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
@Mod Stevew
Is the Community Management Team/Jagex planning on adding an appeal system for forum offenses? For example, that would allow permanently muted forum users to appeal their mute(s) and potentially regain their foruming privileges?

Unfortunately, there is not a system in place for this at the moment. However, if you'd like me to have a look at your account, I'd be happy to.
Let me know what account name to look up. :)
Mod Jane - Community & Events Director
Follow me on Twitter - @JagexJane

13-Apr-2012 21:23:35

Mod Jane

Mod Jane

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
To Mod Jane,
Could you pass for me to the Engine guys if they could make some interesting dev blogs about work they are doing? Like new engine stuff or future Runetek technologies, i forgot to ask. :(

I can certainly ask! I'll do that Monday! :)
Mod Jane - Community & Events Director
Follow me on Twitter - @JagexJane

13-Apr-2012 21:25:38

Mod Jane

Mod Jane

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Alot of posts get hidden, people flaming or something?
No, not at all. We're hiding the threads to indicate to each other here that we're either working on a reply or have answered the questions contained within that post.
It stops everyone trying to answer the same post. :)
Mod Jane - Community & Events Director
Follow me on Twitter - @JagexJane

13-Apr-2012 21:27:05

Mod Stevew

Mod Stevew

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
To mod stevew.
Hey am i allowed to upload videos from runefest to youtube? I don't mean the insider sessions but other things like you playing something with other J mods in the 1st floor :D (you where throwing a chicken or something) Or do i need the permission of everyone who's in the video?
Wait, I'm on video throwing a chicken .... eeek.
OK it's fine to upload your video, if people complain about the video and it contains scenes from our game, it will be automatically hidden and passed to us as copyright owners, however we review these regularly, and provided there is nothing in your video about cheating etc. - we nearly always release those videos back to their owners - at which point it's viewable again and it should then stay until you remove it.

13-Apr-2012 21:28:39

Mod Jane

Mod Jane

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
@Mod Jane and Mod Stevew: As a general question to both of you, how does interacting with many, many players on a regular basis and communities upon communities as a whole influence you in real life?
I presume it makes you more eager to connect to others!

For me, I'm generally a very chatty person. So yes, I think you might be right, I do tend to talk to complete strangers more than I did before.
One of my favourite things is jumping in game and surprising people, whacking them with the rubber chicken and running off. I wonder if I can get away with that in the supermarket. :D
Mod Jane - Community & Events Director
Follow me on Twitter - @JagexJane

13-Apr-2012 21:32:39

Mod Giragast

Mod Giragast

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
CrazyKingTim: Will we see Bilrach in the future?
Maybe in the future-past. Or the past-future. Uhhh
Tztok-Jad95: Unrelated question: When will Runefest 2012 be announced?
2012 will be announced in 2016! Mark it on your calendars!
1san: will any other skills be getting a kind of single D&D bound to that skill?
We're always looking at the skills and trying to improve them where possible. That can be a D&D or a complete rework, but we're always trying to get the best out of the skills that we can and there are certainly more projects to come!
Thorlah: I hope my questions get answered this time!
:3 I will try my hardest!
Thorlah: Bilrach. Is he dead? Can you tell us? If not, why are the others so underwhelmed by Daemonheim when everyone else is seemingly scared into silence?
I can tell you nothing about Bilrach, it will spoil the surprise! However, you will find out something from the upcoming Saga. Who knows just how much!
Thorlah: Does Tolna's Rift have a connection to Daemonheim? not sure...
Thorlah: Do Guthix and Zaros have a connection? I gotta know! xD
I'll ask them!
They must be out for lunch or something, they're not picking up.
Thorlah: Bilrach again. Is he really that good of a bluffer to hide his power from even Azzanadra?
He's a cheeky chap, and a lot more powerful than his fellow Mahjarrat think. He could manage it, I think.
Thorlah: Does Bilrach have any familial ties to any other Mahjarrat, like Lucien to Zemouregal, or Sliske to Wahisietel?
Good question, but not one I know the answer to.
Thorlah: Do the Dragonkin have any hand in Daemonheim? Does Jas?
There are mysteries even Content Developers are not privy to.
Thorlah: Does Zamorak know what's going on? Is he the Voice, or is he just "chillin"?
Who can be sure Zamorak is even involved? Are the answers we have ever completely clear? Or are they so obvious we suspect them to be something other than what they are? Only the gods themselves know the truth, and they never truly reveal their hand to those involved.
TLDR: Spoilers.
Thorlah: Is the Rift where he really is?
You never know, it might be a really nice place with lots of people there. A god resort.
Thorlah: How did Bilarch open the portals to other realms?
A long-hidden and hard-earned secret. Something that takes centuries to achieve, and just as long to perfect, is not something he's likely to tell just anyone. You'll probably have to beat the answer out of him.
Thorlah: Just who is the Smuggler. I have a theory, but...
Ooh, what theory is this? We're always interested in theories...
Thorlah: Will we ever get to help Marmaros? I feel so bad for him, and Thok being Thok, I don't want him to be without "his brain".
Some day, maybe we will, for now you'll have to make do with heroic tales of their Daemonheim adventures! :D
Thorlah: Thanks for the time!
High-five! _/ \_

13-Apr-2012 21:33:00

Mod Pi

Mod Pi

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
In the new cinematic trailer my eyes spotted updated looks of Runecrafting altars. Will the altars getting updated with The Runespan?
Wow, eagle eyed....yes, they will get a bit of a spit shine when the runespan is release :)
Is RuneSpan in its beta testing stage? If so are you pleased with how it has come out and do you think the community would be happy with it?
It is in QA at the moment and so far everyone i've shown it to has replied "wow!" So i'm hopeful :)
If possible can you show us a Teaser of RuneSpan?
I'll leave that to timbo :P
It is still a Grind to get 99 RuneCrafting? because if this RuneSpan take away from that I think the community would not be happy...
Yea there is still a grind, it is training a skill in runescape. The Runespan should be a fun grind though!
what will the level requirements be for the runespan?
Level 1
Being a maxed player, i fear the Runespan update will completely destroy the point of runecrafting being a slow and arduos skill.
The huge pouch doesnt seem a MASSIVE compromise, but it is still speeding up a skill like you keep doing.

The bigger pouch will be different to the current ones, so don't take it at face value from BTS.
please tell me the Runespan isnt going have a method of getting crazy fast xp. This would really disappoint me and thousands of other high level players.
It will be faster but not crazy fast, i've aimed to bring above the status of "slow and boring to train". I will not lie though, it is faster than current runecrafting, that is for sure.
Concerning RuneSpan… I would like to know about some of your biggest challenges in making this update happen. What all did you take into consideration while developing this piece of content? (i.e. many players are worried about devaluation)
I'd say the biggest challenge is balancing over a whole skill. I've had to make sure that the XP rates are high but not so high that it totally devalues having a high level, i've had to create content for all levels of player and if you could see the spreadsheet created for this update your eyes would glaze over. As far as what I had to consider, I had to think about how to make this content fun from 1 through to 99 making sure that you didn't get bored part way though, that is no cheap ask but there are parts of the runespan that are dynamic making it a different experience each time you enter which will help. The rewards had to be worth while to make sure players would want them but they also had to tie into the rest of the game, after 10 years of developement, this poses quite a challenge :P I could talk about this for longer but I think i've summed up the main issues :P
What other ideas did you imagine instead of the final product (RuneSpan)? I.e. did you, or anyone else on the team have any other ideas? If so, can you share with us some of those ideas? I'm mostly curious.
There were 3 main concepts put forward for this:
1. was an idea that came from runefest, it was a sort of 1 armed bandit that you could place your runes into and combine your runes gaining XP along the way. We thought this would be a bit repetitive so it didn't make the grade.
2. was various minigames based around the idea that the player could siphon runic energy out of barriers destroying them along the way. This turned into games like:
- 1 player mazes
- 2 player races
- an team based area control grid based game
- a co-op team game whereby players had to break down barriers to reach the center where there would be a way to get really fast XP if you got there but barriers would grow back.
- In the middle were ideas such as the soul atlar/ a giant rune guardian or a powerful omni-altar.
3. Was the runespan which we thought was better than both of those, hopefully you'll agree :)
the minigame is portrayed to be quite exp efficient in the bts do you still think that this is true?
Senior Gameplay Programmer
Combat Council Member
Check me out on twitter @JagexPi

13-Apr-2012 21:33:15

Mod Stevew

Mod Stevew

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Is luring people into the wilderness for the purpose of killing them for their items against the rules? If not, why isn't it against the rules if its not
We don't want people to be tricked into things and lose their stuff but it's no great secret that the Wilderness is a dangerous place - anyone who goes there must understand that there is a risk.
We could probably make a million warnings and rules to try and protect people but that would just be horrible to navigate through for the average player.
It's all about common sense, and as a fail safe if you do fall victim to some nasty scam you do have the option to report it so we can look into it.

13-Apr-2012 21:40:01

Mod Stevew

Mod Stevew

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
"...we have some great tools that help us find ... people."
I knew it! They're tracking our every move! I demand a tin foil hat!!
Selling rare tin foil hat - add me.

13-Apr-2012 21:43:45

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