
Developer & CM Answers! Thread is locked

Quick find code: 254-255-170-63698139

Mod Giragast

Mod Giragast

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
RNA_TheRock: Will everything and everyone by which I mean the characters and certain puzzles have voices added to them in the Fremmink Saga II? For example when Thok was talking to the prayer door?
Not this time around, FremSaga2 had already started development when we started to look more closely at including voice audio as a standard quest feature. Maybe next time!
Im Caroline: [Grondaban]
Im Caroline: Can you share some of Marm & Thok's secrets with me? I wanna know how to get to f61 without dying in a month
Sure! Firstly, you need to
Thok: ...
...actually nevermind.
Mime: Nice wolf... *pats head*
Mime: Will we see a Warped floor saga?
Yes :)
Mime: What does Giragast mean?!
It's from a book by my favourite author, David Gemmell - Legend of Deathwalker.
Diehunted: How is the life of a Content Develepor? Like does it make the job more harder when you are being pressure to finish the content as quick as possible?
We're given just the right amount of time we need to create the content we come up with, as well as having some awesome editors and design leads to make sure the stories we make are as good as we can make them. I love the work, I just pile on more and more awesome ideas - it's a great challenge and extremely rewarding!

13-Apr-2012 20:29:34

Mod Giragast

Mod Giragast

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Vayne Novus: will the new sagas tie in with the upcoming floor 61 of Dg, the Zamorak final boss etc we heard of at runefest?
Yes. :)
Jchaplin2: in the latest teaser we see 2 mahjarrat and what seems to me moia(?) is this part of the sagas or am i gonna get a "no comment"?
You're gonna get a "no comment."
No comment.
Airs: Is Moia Lucien's daughter? What's her relation to Lucien?
You'll have to play the Sagas to find that out!
Airs: And... *deep breath* Did I kill Bilrach?
Deep down inside, we all killed Bilrach. But you in particular. Nice going.

13-Apr-2012 20:34:42

Mod Stevew

Mod Stevew

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
@Mod Stevew
1.) Now I know this question is on everyone mind... Would you guys still be looking for Volunteer Player Mods? I know I have been here for a long time and I just want to extend my help even further. I love this game and I love the Community of this game and to be given that chance or to know that option will still be there would be great.
2.) What do you look for in a Player Mod as far as Reporting? Because I know I don't go looking for trouble as I am to busy making Events doing clan work.
3.) What if you do not have to many Reports? I know some people really don't go looking for trouble and stuff.
4.) Do you have to be really really Active in the Game? Because I know life gets in the way when it comes to RuneScape and you can't always predict the future. So does activeness is a requirement to be a Player Moderator? I know I wasn't so active when I 1st joined RuneScape & the years Following that.
We are always looking for P Mods but not in the volumes that we have in the past - keep a secure account, have fun, don't be an idiot and we will spot you!!
Reporting serious rule breaking is always helpful, but also knowing when something is better dealt with by the ignore list. Volume of reports isn't something we look at in potential P Mods.
Not a problem - being active in the community trumps reporting every time!
All we look for in activity is fairly regular log-ins- just because if someone doesn't log in regularly then they wouldn't know if their account has been compromised.

13-Apr-2012 20:37:24

Mod Jane

Mod Jane

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
What's up with locking bot threads in the general forum? Shouldn't we encourage people to talk about issues like this instead of hiding it in the least active forum? Yes I'm looking at you “Other - Discussion & Suggestions*
Hi i Zaros,
Apologies for missing your post. :)
What's up with locking bot threads in the general forum? Shouldn't we encourage people to talk about issues like this instead of hiding it in the least active forum? Yes I'm looking at you “Other - Discussion & Suggestions*
The only reason bot threads would be locked is if they are not posted in the correct forum, or if someone was encouraging others to download and use a bot in RuneScape.
There are plenty of bot discussion threads in the forum that you have mentioned. That is exactly where I go to get feedback regarding bots from the community to pass on to the relevant departments here.

Q.) Mod Jane – Which teams do you think could be available for a future Q&A? Will we be able to vote for which team we’d like to ask questions to next?
The reason the Game Engine Team were here tonight was due to a quick poll back in February this year. They won which is why they're here tonight.
Mod Pi and Mod Giragast are here because we thought you'd love to ask questions about future update. :)
We'll definitely put up another quick poll for you guys to choose from. But maybe we'll do it in two parts again. I think this Q&A with parts 1 and 2 have worked really well. Besides I have a department in mind that I'm sure many people here would love to grill! :D

@Mod Jane
Are you the Queen of Nature :) ?

No, but I'm loving that title! ;)
Would you be apart of the Evil Chicken Minions!!!
Never! Chocatrice all the way!
Do you have any goals at Jagex & RuneScape? (It can be for the Community maybe ingame Q&A - This can work with less lag :P )
I have lots of goals! My in-game one is to get 99 RuneCrafting so I cannot wait for The Runespan to come out. I've seen it and it's really awesome! ^_^
Mod Jane - Community & Events Director
Follow me on Twitter - @JagexJane

13-Apr-2012 20:42:00 - Last edited on 13-Apr-2012 20:43:11 by Mod Jane

Mod Pi

Mod Pi

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
You guys both seem like newer developers, what’s it like joining the development of Runescape as a new Jmod. Are you able to start projects that you want, what freedom do you have?
Joining runescape dev is great fun, the content devs are the biggest bunch of crazy misfits i've ever seen in my life and I seem to fit in well :P As far as our freedom is concenrned, most of the time we will be given a brief outline of an update that Jagex wants made and we start designing from there. We are free to suggest anything we like, that doesn't mean it will happen but we get to bug poor old mark with our big ideas :P If we are lucky our ideas will turn into one of these brief outlines and be given to us as an update to develop.
How are projects split up, is it something like 3 people per project or something. It seems to me that the development team is way to spread out and thus the updates takes a long time.
It depends on the size of the project. A lot of updates get given to a solo content developer to design and create. This does mean that it can take time sometimes but it is the reason why we have so much varied content in the game, we have a whole team of people designing! Other projects will be given to many developers, things such as Troll Warzone and Clan Citadels are examples of that.
I imagine the Runecraft update will improve the overall skill xp rate, as a 99 runecrafter I am ok with this but I must say*this makes the great orb project seem even more useless. Do we really need two runecrafting minigames? What spurred this update to be by itself instead of doing something with GOP.
This is less of a mini game and more of a training area. The GoP and it's rewards should still be used as i don't believe players play this game for the XP. I personally play it for the altar tabs, I don't believe The Runespan poses a threat to GOP and if it does, it is relatively minor so don't worry.
Can smithing and mining get a use again, runecraft was outdated training wise but smithing and mining have no applicable use. Mining rune is only useful due to alch values, it’s outdated money source tbh. Flasks was a step for mining but one niche use does not a skill make.
We are aware of the problem and are looking into it. Updating a whole skill takes a lot of time and there is a lot to think about as a skill ties into a huge area of the game. No ETA for you but we are aware of it and hope to work on it for you :)
My favorite quests in the game so far have been the Dorgeshuun series. Would you ever consider making a 6th quest. Going on one last adventure with Zanik would be awesome!
Mod_John_A will be happy to hear this :)
Senior Gameplay Programmer
Combat Council Member
Check me out on twitter @JagexPi

13-Apr-2012 20:44:47

Mod Jane

Mod Jane

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
bit off topic but...
mod jane, what are you wearing on your head? (in your forum pic :P )

It's the Third-Age Druidic Wreath. Pretty isn't it? My personal account could never afford it sadly.
Mod Jane - Community & Events Director
Follow me on Twitter - @JagexJane

13-Apr-2012 20:46:21

Mod Stevew

Mod Stevew

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
I have a few questions in regards to player moderator recruitment. I feel that in recent years, the guidelines for just who is invited to be a player moderator have become a bit vague (probably related to chat filter removal and other updates).
1) Can you tell us what exactly it is that the CM team looks for in reports these days? How much does accurate reporting weigh into getting an invite versus a players' community activity?
2) When I play the game, I report misconduct as I see it but try to limit reports to more serious situations. It seems that you are looking for quality over quantity in reports, but I'm curious as to how you view players who actively seek out cheaters to report (such as gold sellers and bots). Would this help or hinder someone's chances of being invited?
3) Obviously account security for player moderators is very important. What does the CM team look for to determine an accounts security? How often do you recommend changing your pass?
4) Lastly, as a 7 year veteran, what do you recommend I do better to increase my chance of being invited? I would love the chance to be a part of the PMod community
Community involvement carries far more weight than reporting.
Again, not something we really look into too much - but someone reporting a lot when there is no rule breaking isn't likely to me made a Mod - we have to think 'what would happen if this person could mute ...'
P Mod account security checks are basically:
+ Never been shared / hijacked
+ Recoveries set
+ Email set
+ No proxy log-ins
(rinse and repeat on every account the person has created)
We can't make everyone a P Mod, all I can suggest is sticking to the rules, enjoying the game and joining in with community stuff!

13-Apr-2012 20:47:22

Mod Jane

Mod Jane

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Mod Jane,
~ Have the 90,000,000 account display/names been fully freed up, or has this not yet taken place?

I believe I answered this question in the Q&A earlier. I believe they're still going through the system, but I'll find out how it's going on Monday :)
Mod Jane - Community & Events Director
Follow me on Twitter - @JagexJane

13-Apr-2012 20:47:50

Mod Giragast

Mod Giragast

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Wahisietel: Will the new Sagas be for the Occult and Warped floors, or will both be Occult?
The Sagas are little different this time around, one of them visits quite a few interesting places.
How did Scrambles get past the River Salve? And why is he hanging around with a smelly old goblin?
He wants to know that too! It's not often you wake up in a cave with a cigar-smoking goblin looming over you, saying "Sorry, I thought you were sheeps..."
Leonive: Will the new Fremmy sagas be added onto Completionist Cape requirements?
To enlight: Can we expect sagas to be related with tasks?
There are no plans for this at the moment.
To enlight: Are all werewolves Zamorakians?
Only the ones who praise him.
DontdotheDew: [headbutt]
Thok wouldn't be Thok without it!
DontdotheDew: [Moia]
Far too early to reveal that sort of thing! She does have a history though :)
Weesliske: When making sagas do you find it hard to come up with content that is not just solo dungeoneering with a slightly OP character with some lore just tacked on?
A very interesting question. At the beginning of the FremSaga2 project there was a lot of discussion with Mod Raven (who was behind FremSaga1) about his thoughts on where the Sagas should head, and he gave me some very fine advice: What's important is the emotion you want to convey, the story and the characters will come naturally from that.
For these Sagas, Moia became the direct result of that advice: hopefully she'll be a useful character to bolster the existing Daemonheim lore and get you guys excited for Floor 61. Thok has been a complete blast, there's been a lot of good feedback from it around the teams!

13-Apr-2012 20:49:44

Mod Stevew

Mod Stevew

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Will there ever be a way to travel back to tutorial island like a boat ride to it or something possibly in the future?
We are more likely to focus on things that newer players will find engaging - we understand that existing players would like to go there for nostalgia reasons, but at the end of the day we need to focus efforts on things that will have the most impact.
I have heard a rumour that you will be able to see (but not travel to) the island from a certain vantage point in the future ... but it is just a rumour ... ;)

13-Apr-2012 20:55:28

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