I have a few questions in regards to player moderator recruitment. I feel that in recent years, the guidelines for just who is invited to be a player moderator have become a bit vague (probably related to chat filter removal and other updates).
1) Can you tell us what exactly it is that the CM team looks for in reports these days? How much does accurate reporting weigh into getting an invite versus a players' community activity?
2) When I play the game, I report misconduct as I see it but try to limit reports to more serious situations. It seems that you are looking for quality over quantity in reports, but I'm curious as to how you view players who actively seek out cheaters to report (such as gold sellers and bots). Would this help or hinder someone's chances of being invited?
3) Obviously account security for player moderators is very important. What does the CM team look for to determine an accounts security? How often do you recommend changing your pass?
4) Lastly, as a 7 year veteran, what do you recommend I do better to increase my chance of being invited? I would love the chance to be a part of the PMod community
Community involvement carries far more weight than reporting.
Again, not something we really look into too much - but someone reporting a lot when there is no rule breaking isn't likely to me made a Mod - we have to think 'what would happen if this person could mute ...'
P Mod account security checks are basically:
+ Never been shared / hijacked
+ Recoveries set
+ Email set
+ No proxy log-ins
(rinse and repeat on every account the person has created)
We can't make everyone a P Mod, all I can suggest is sticking to the rules, enjoying the game and joining in with community stuff!
13-Apr-2012 20:47:22