will it require [The Runespan] alot of money for training?
Nope, you don't need any money to train it.
is Runespan going to be a strategy minigame? or a simple minigame
Strategy skilling area
for runespam where will it be at?
Mmmm, tasty spam.....errrr....The wizards tower
this is going to be a full thing we can skill on just like a weely or daily idea (meaning if we chose to we can grind there for good exp)?
Full on skilling area you can use at your leisure.
will this effect prices in anyway?
I expect that less players will be making runes will affect prices yes.
also will this be puzzle for training if so i will love it as i love to do puzzle ( like clue scrolls)
No puzzles, I like making puzzles but this update doesn't include them.
Does your runecrafting xp rise per level or is it like agility where you get the same rate until you can use a higher level course?
I've made a point of making sure it scales evenly as you level, that is one of the major problems with runecrafting currently.
Will the runespan have any lore to it, I think I recall someone saying that the runespan is the result of residue of the stone of jas or something?
There will be some lore yes but it isn't a huge part of this update.
mod pi what beer are you drinking and wich pizza?
No beer and no pizza here, we have coffee and sandwiches though. HOWEVER! If I was drinking beer and eating pizza it would be Pear Cider and lots of mean with a BBQ base for the pizza
In the x-mas event Greyzag was replaced by Whitezag for those who no longer have Greyzag in the tower. However in the Love Story cutscene there is a different wizard. Can we make this consitent in future by adding one of them permenantly to the tower?
Different developers, different replacement. The fact that Grayzag isn't there is possibly more important as it is an important part of a quest (no spoilers past that!). Wizard Whitezag was a play on Gandlaf (Gray and now White) and Wizard Taloram was put in as a replacement for the cutscene (if there are any extra reasons you'd have to ask Mod_Ash). They are not necessarily the same person nor a permanent replacement for Grayzag.
Senior Gameplay Programmer
Combat Council Member
Check me out on twitter @JagexPi
are the level up fireworks going to go back to the original ones? The new ones don't show that much of an achievement, and the original ones also looked better.
Hi, the majority of feedback we have seen is that the new fireworks are bolder, larger and much more liked by people.
As such, we don't plan to change them - but you are entitled to your opinion of course!
First off, I just wanted to say thank-you again for taking the time to stay late at work to answer all of our questions.
Hi Collins892! You're very welcome! Actually we really enjoy this part of the job!
On to business:
Any word on when the next in-game event held by Jagex will be? I miss the old Player and Jagex events from a few years ago. Even a massive Conga Line would be great. The Events Community would like to see some more Jagex events in the future, we really miss you all.
That is about it for me. Thank you again and talk to you soon.
An event you say? Well how about this! This is posted in the Event forum!
HAHAHA! I am Eggstrovert the extrovert! If you think the battle between the Chocotrice and the Evil Chicken was something that was just a bit of fun, then think again. The struggle between the Chocotrice and the Evil Chicken is serious business and my employer, wants to see blood spilt over this encounter!
So, at the times listed below, my representatives will be standing in the center Varrock ready to set the followers of the Chocotrice against the followers of the Evil Chicken. So meet here, showing your allegiance by wearing the egg hats of your choice and armed with your eggsterminators.
14th April
15th April
My representatives will then choose a team to defend an egg and tell that team the where the egg is. This team must make their way to the egg in all haste as shortly the attacking team will be given the location. Once this happens the attacking team must then collect the egg. If anyone on either team is shot by a cannon you must home teleport to the nearest location and hightail it back to the egg. Every 10 minutes a new egg location will be given out and the roles of the attacker and defenders will change.
We are sure that there are many heroes who want to take part so please feel free to leave a bio in this thread telling us your characters history and why you support the team you do.
Favourite headgear in the game? I'd have to say bunny ears for me.. so cute!
I too am a big fan of the bunny ears! However, lately I have been wearing this Third-Age Druidic Wreath.
Also, what did you guys have for tea tonight? I'm overwhelmed with curiosity
Our onsite restaurant made us a lovely cold buffet. I meant to take some pictures of it to share with you all, however, I forgot and it's been completely demolished now!
Mod Jane - Community & Events Director
Follow me on Twitter - @JagexJane
Hi there
You changed your stance on pmods a while ago right?
I was wondering.. what is the point of the Player Moderator function if you just reward it to those few people of the many who organise events? Because right now it is used as podium rather than a moderating function.
Imo the recent volunteers do not moderate anything but their own crowd (which they are too occupied with obv.), and should be rewarded a fancy title instead of a functional pmod crown..
Players that roam through each (dark) alley should be crowned, to (combined with their advanced knowledge of the game) hold back the gold sellers, pishing lurers and other scum that hit our community.
I distinguish 2 types of volunteers in-game, you only acknowledge one while the current community is in need of both. Shadows are now lurking in every city.
You make a fair point, and dealing with the sort of rule breaking you mention is important, the point I was trying to make is that reporting and being a sort of 'in game police force' is not 100% what P Mods are about.
P Mods can mute if they happen to come across serious rule breaking while carrying out their normal game play or being involved in the community.