
† Asgarnia: War of Freneskae †

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Aurelia I
Aug Member 2021

Aurelia I

Posts: 911 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A Word About Events and The Gates of Freneskae

Official events are hostable by any member of Asgarnia and will be posted on this thread by the person hosting the event. Official event posts are to include the following:

Name of Event




Any Special Considerations (i.e. “Bring Weapons”, “No Weaponry Allowed”, etc.)

The Gates of Freneskae is the official sequel to The Dragon Wars. It will be a major storyline, authored by myself, but will not be the only quest in Asgarnia. All administrators are required to host roleplays on a semi-regular basis, and are encouraged to write their own short stories for events.

† Asgarnia: The Gates of Freneskae †
All that for a pile of bricks.

10-Aug-2018 01:24:09 - Last edited on 12-May-2019 07:13:12 by Aurelia I

Aurelia I
Aug Member 2021

Aurelia I

Posts: 911 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile


•Aerisop Aren•
Fiore Grey - Queen of Asgarnia
Aerisop Aren - Noble

•Salt Aren•
Jane Grey - Head of House Grey

• Adventurers •
Rachel Floria - Kinshra Knight

• Aion Trancy •
Aion Trancy - WK Initiate

• Andrew Bixi •
Andrew Bixi - WK Lieutenant

• Aro •
Ivandis Grey - Wizard

• AuryneWolf •
Auryne Amberson - Survivalist/Adventurer

• Bloodyzisis •
Romus Legatious - WK Proselyte

• Catoust •
Dawn Lakewood - Store Owner
Nanaya Venevive - WK Squire

• Cloud180 •
Cloud180 - Adventurer, Godless agent, and Arbiter of Honour

• Cleo Asher •
Cleo Asher - WK Squire

• Dezzear •
Dezzear al-Shaffi - WK Proselyte

• Edwyn Frost •
Edward Frost - WK Captain

† Asgarnia: The Gates of Freneskae †
All that for a pile of bricks.

10-Aug-2018 01:24:22 - Last edited on 12-May-2019 07:13:31 by Aurelia I

Aurelia I
Aug Member 2021

Aurelia I

Posts: 911 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
† Asgarnia: The Dragon Wars †

• Godwine •
Thomas Godwine - WK Proselyte

• Guiney •
Harry Forrester - WK Captain

• Halt Woods •
Halt Woods - WK Proselyte

• Kairi9154 •
Kairi Stone - WK Captain

• Kodi •
Evangeline Varsillas - WK Initiate

• Lianna98 •
Ingrid Lorne - WK Lieutenant
Miraleigh Reese - WK Acolyte
Amberley Hanning - Orphan

† Asgarnia: The Gates of Freneskae †
All that for a pile of bricks.

10-Aug-2018 01:24:37 - Last edited on 12-May-2019 07:13:49 by Aurelia I

Aurelia I
Aug Member 2021

Aurelia I

Posts: 911 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
† Asgarnia: The Dragon Wars †

• Magejake50 •

• MarzCat •
Marz Arven - WK Lieutenant
Maria Harthe - WK Pyoselyte

• Novus Luna •
Cyrus Lucien Ambrose - Guardian Battlemage

• Rex •
Rend Sul'damane - 'Defender of the Bar'
Edgar Dae - Private Investigator
Rexotic Silversmith - Slayer and Dad, sorta.

• Rowanius •
Mirialia ''Miria'' Gryffn - WK Acolyte

† Asgarnia: The Gates of Freneskae †
All that for a pile of bricks.

10-Aug-2018 01:32:16 - Last edited on 12-May-2019 07:14:11 by Aurelia I

Aurelia I
Aug Member 2021

Aurelia I

Posts: 911 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

† Asgarnia: The Gates of Freneskae †

• Sir Loynn •
Alexander Krieg Loynn-Stake - WK Captain

• Sir Smudger •
Warren Arcas - WK Partisan

• Theodore •
Theodore Kassel - WK Partisan

• Tyler Locke •
Tyler Locke - Nomadic Debateable

• Wizered •
Sajid Amari - Baroness of Giant’s Hill
Violetta Renderra - Duchess of Aethyra

† Asgarnia: The Gates of Freneskae †
All that for a pile of bricks.

10-Aug-2018 01:32:21 - Last edited on 12-May-2019 07:14:21 by Aurelia I

Aurelia I
Aug Member 2021

Aurelia I

Posts: 911 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

† Asgarnia: The Gates of Freneskae †

• Alynore •
Jonathon Valence - Former Lord Regent

Victor Valengale - Lord of Port Sarim

Stephen Lavelle - Former Steward
Lord Maximilian - Lord of Blackmarch

Serov Ryskäl - Engineer

Guillem Cartenza - ?

Frederick William Grimdark, the Kingslayer - Earl of Greenwood

•Pirate Luth•
Stephen de Hauteville - Baron of Hauteville

Romus Legatius - White Knight

Mason Jarvis †

•Ovi the Aren•
Maliik Grest - Advisor to Queen Fiore
Count Freyl Aren - Lord of Asperton

•Leopard Slug•
Julia Ull - Temple Knight

† - Deceased

† Asgarnia: The Gates of Freneskae †
All that for a pile of bricks.

10-Aug-2018 01:32:24 - Last edited on 15-May-2019 02:32:57 by Aurelia I

Aurelia I
Aug Member 2021

Aurelia I

Posts: 911 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Dragon Wars: Episode One: Attack on the Capital!

Thunder. Terror. Fleeing citizens. Burning buildings. Charred corpses in the streets. Chaos. No one was entirely sure what had happened that fateful evening in Ardougne. Some who knew no better said it was a demon. Others, a vengeful spirit. Those who had seen it with their own eyes were too mortified to speak coherently.

"The legends...they're true."

The death toll reached twenty when all was said and done. The Kandars, with the aid of a few brave adventurers, managed to dowse the raging inferno that had spread through the city center, and by nightfall ash had stopped falling down like snow upon the town.

As morning came, however, word made its way through the beleaguered capital that a small unnamed village to the northeast had not been so fortunate. They had suffered the same assault by the same force, but unlike Ardougne, the citizens there had not fared so well. The entire settlement was reduced to ruin. By now, it became clear what had attacked Ardougne.

“Legends don’t burn down villages.”

† Asgarnia: The Dragon Wars †
All that for a pile of bricks.

10-Aug-2018 01:32:27 - Last edited on 10-Aug-2018 01:51:38 by Aurelia I

Aurelia I
Aug Member 2021

Aurelia I

Posts: 911 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Dragon Wars: Part Two : Destruction of Paradise

It was a somber day in the once-proud city of Falador. Mourning citizens numbering in the hundreds flocked to the funeral of a dozen White Knights who had given their lives protecting the newly crowned Queen. Though the dragon that had attacked Saradomin's city was dead, Falador was crippled by the sheer amount of damage done.

Building after building had been burned severely by the ruby-colored menace, and the smell of burning wood filled the air long after the last fires had gone out. Those structures that weren't scorched by the dragon's flames were damaged by the flood water. Eager to help stop the inferno raging through the city, an adventurer cast a powerful spell on the moat surrounding the castle and dumped several tons of water upon the city.

The death toll was catastrophic. Aside from the twelve white knights, dozens of townsfolk were killed by the dragon's searing flames. Over a hundred more lay dead in the streets once the flood waters receded, swept away and drowned without ever knowing what hit them.

As for the dragon, its body lay dead within the courtyard of what was now a heavily damaged castle. It's gaping maw attracted swarms of flies as the corpse rotted away without attention. And wasn't this the perfect visual metaphor for the city itself? A formerly majestic beast lay dead with flies streaming from its mouth in a formerly majestic city that lay dead in the heart of the holiest nation on earth.

Falador would know peace no more.

† Asgarnia: The Dragon Wars †
All that for a pile of bricks.

10-Aug-2018 01:32:41 - Last edited on 26-Aug-2018 03:45:11 by Aurelia I

Aurelia I
Aug Member 2021

Aurelia I

Posts: 911 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
† The Dragon Wars: Part Three: The Death of Volon †

8 Novtumber, Sixth Age

I write the last entry to this diary, for the time being. As I pen this entry, a party of scouts, knights, and adventurers join forces to slay the dragon Volon in his lair at Daemonheim. I will lead them in battle. Perhaps when this is all over, Asgarnia may return to peace, and rebuild from the ruins left by the most recent battle of Falador. The destruction of Paradise must allow us the opportunity to build something better. But what?

I grow tired now. The candle flame that is my life begins to wane. If I do not survive this battle, I will entrust my last will and testament to the most noble of warriors of our age. Whoever that may be, he or she will surely show my people the path forward. As for myself, I would be satisfied if my people were at last safe from terror. Then perhaps I may rest in the flower garden of my ancestors.

Jane Grey's diary was found among her other belongings when rumors of her death at the Battle of Daemonheim reached Asgarnia. At the forefront of it all was Jacob Delvar, a once-Kandar knight who had joined forces with the Grey in the name of defeating Volon and all the dragons in his employ. He came one day, into Asgarnia, bearing the last will and testament of Jane Grey, along with House Grey's signet ring. He would be king now, if he wished it.

† The Dragon Wars: Part Three: The Death of Volon †
All that for a pile of bricks.

10-Aug-2018 01:32:44 - Last edited on 29-Oct-2018 02:18:16 by Aurelia I

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