You're a right bunch of spanners, you lot.
We come here with no peaceful intent, but ready for battle, determined to avenge our wrongs and set our country free.
The problem this system has is the same one plaguing RP combat. It's nonsensical, counter-intuitive, divisive and vague.
It also happens to be the best option available to us.
One man's trash is another's treasure, and one man's cash buys another's pleasure.
So I'll rob from the cradle, and I'll rob from the grave; it's just human traffic, and I'm just a slave.
I think Krig is right. I don't know if we'll ever be able to fully gleam why people are the way they are here, but the way things are presently means that they have complete autonomous control over their harmful ways. Back in the day, they could at least be fairly confronted on both I.C and O.O.C levels via the land claim administration. Now it's entirely possible to just say
to everything and everyone. I get that. Things that you own, things that bring you happiness, they are precious to you. These scenes with their circles of friends having a good enough time by their selves, even if quite exclusionary, they create joy for those involved. But I believe that what's good for all of us is good for the few of us. If we had a strong community that was alluring to many people and everyone got along better than they do now, we'd be bigger. We'd be greater. We'd all be making something good. In turn, these separate scenes would be greater as well.
If anything, I'd say that begrudged and forced cooperation is better than what we have now. Definitely not by a lot, but progress would be progress. Though I wouldn't hold my breath for things to go back to old ways and of course things that are no longer existent are that way because they generally didn't work anymore. Eventually, land claim administration didn't work anymore.
So, it'd probably only be a grand
system that could reunite this community. In fact, this is what has been known for a long while now. Every time, initiatives get shunted into a loop of starting up and then no one caring
to actually follow through. It's evident that everyone wants something to change, but they just don't work on it. How many times are going to disgrace ourselves like this?
In the words of the Doctor...
"How much blood will spill until everybody does what they're always going to have to do from the very beginning --
sit down and talk
Save yourself.
Savior self.
20-Apr-2016 21:21:29
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20-Apr-2016 21:29:02
I'd say that begrudged and forced cooperation is better than what we have now.
because that's fun for
parties right guys
If anything at all
- I'd think so. I hold to the belief that this is a
theatrical stage. Maybe you're right, maybe it wouldn't be fun for those who aren't interested in getting along. If this were the way things went though, and it didn't change, they'd then just go somewhere else because they wouldn't like it. I believe it's very apparent that one of the reasons why we're in this current situation is because there's very little repercussion and consequence for those who behave out of line. In the absence of Jagex caring enough about our community to ever instate anything beyond a login message, we need self moderation. We've failed.
Save yourself.
Savior self.
20-Apr-2016 21:31:49
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20-Apr-2016 21:41:25
I'd say that begrudged and forced cooperation is better than what we have now.
because that's fun for
parties right guys
If anything at all
- I'd think so. I hold to the belief that this is a
theatrical stage. Maybe you're right, maybe it wouldn't be fun for those who aren't interested in getting along. If this were the way things went though, and it didn't change, they'd then just go somewhere else because they wouldn't like it.
I'm saying it's not fun for both parties. If you have an idea or whatever you're forcing onto other groups and they're all really annoyed and uncomfortable with what you're making them do, both parties are going to have a bad time.
Say for example you're invading a small village, and your opponents really couldn't care less about fighting you and have told you they're not interested, because battles aren't something they're into. You're not going to enjoy yourself when fighting these people if you're forcing them into it, because they'll clearly be showing their disinterest and dismissal towards you. I know the thing that's said a lot of the time is "you're in the public domain you have to accept this" but that's never fun.
You could also argue that you have to be some special kind of cancer if you enjoy making people do what you want and not attempting compromise between both parties. If this is a "shared stage" as you say, you wouldn't make others deliberately uncomfortable for your own means.
Maybe what I'm saying isn't entirely relevant to this discussion, but w/e