I've offered my OOC vision for Ardougne
Except it would seem more acceptable or genuine if Adrian laid out his own vision for Ardougne in his speeches to his supporters.
He did, in the first speech, I just expanded on it in the OOC section to help cut through it a bit and offer clarity.
Tom ~ Player of Oliver II, King of Kandarin, Prince of Albamonte, Prince of Camelot, Keeper of the Legacy of Baxtorian and Vanguard of Armadyl.
The rest of you could take a thing or two from here; quit whining about it and resolve it IC. If he wins, he wins. If he loses, he loses. It doesn't need to be this complicated or drawn out.
I disagree, I think it does. If OOC hate is driving IC actions it needs shutting down, immediately. I think those of us who remember New Haven - and knew what was going on behind the happy facade - are aware of how these things can end.
We've been saying that POKs should accept all reasonable invasion attempts. An invasion motivated by OOC disputes is
a reasonable attempt by any stretch of the imagination. It destroys roleplays, destroys relationships and causes good roleplayers to quit. Again, New Haven.
It is metagaming, by the original definition of the word. It is the act of bringing the OOC into the IC in order to hurt someone's hopes there for one's own gratification. It never ends well.
A useful by-product of enforcing this rule is that it encourages good conduct and punishes bad. Been sending someone nasty messages? Harassing them on Skype or PM? A screenshot is all it takes to shut you down. People have no choice but to remain cordial. Again, remember New Haven?
Ah, fond memories.
Believe me, I am a firm advocate of OoC cooperation and compromise; if I were in this position, I'm sure one would have already been arranged. However we've seen clear as day, by people associated with either groups, that there be difficulty reaching one. We can negotiate all day to resolve it, but that doesn't mean anything gets done.
In an ideal world, there wouldn't be any underhand Ooc drama, but there is - as there is with the majority of events that transpire here. I'm enjoying the propaganda war though, plus it might be encouraging some roleplay... Even if this controversy lingers.
All these sins disguised as blessings
@Sand Every single invasion can potentially be claimed to have OOC origins (It's a really easy get out. No Pok has required an excuse to not acknowledge an attack in some time of course but it is generally easier to have one and this is among the most common) , what exactly is said to be the reason tom wants to take down Kandarin OOC'ly?
"The greatest endeavors are achieved because of their selfless intent"
Lord Pyro I
@Sand Every single invasion can potentially be claimed to have OOC origins (It's a really easy get out. No Pok has required an excuse to not acknowledge an attack in some time of course but it is generally easier to have one and this is among the most common) , what exactly is said to be the reason tom wants to take down Kandarin OOC'ly?
He has made consistent attacks on Alli's integrity and character as a person.
Mods pls notice me