
-x- The Antikingdom -x-

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Dec Member 2021


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To be fair, I'm entirely interpreting Alexander II's speeches as propaganda since I have taken a role in the development of Senna as a character. Granted, it would seem like some OoC feelings are in the mix between Palpatom and Callifornia, given the obvious history repeatedly shared on this thread. But that doesn't take away what's happening in-character.

In discussion about the interaction between RP clans or PoK's, I find the most controversial subject to be when two ideas clash or each are totally irrelevant. This entire fiasco, as an example, shows one side with a clan of roleplayers in a particular region who are recovering from a brief stint in leadership, yet those members who play citizens are still loyal to the regime in power because the development of those characters are unchanged. The other side, the Antikingdom, are not involved in the current clan but have an IC perception that the kingdom is in turmoil and suffering under the ruthlessness of a leader. Because of these two different perceptions of the status of the clan, we as a community are familiar with this conflict because it's what divides us when it comes to the exchange of regime's over a territory IC.

I've always favored in-game roleplaying because it was once entirely in-game. Which is why I also opted to perform Vectis II's speech in-game and then post it here. Because powerplaying the crowd does not give the accurate response. I've respected the fact that Tom doesn't powerplay a massive crowd of Ardougnan praising his character because unless his Antikingdom involves people roleplaying in the region or characters from the region, there's really no logic behind why this is supposed to be some sort of populist revolution.

Anyway, I'd love to actually look at this thread and see it relevant to the plot taking place. I'll place my opinion where I feel it's due, but I honestly wish this thread was more relevant so I didn't feel the need to.
.„¸¸,.·` |
| `· .,¸¸„.

21-Apr-2016 01:06:57



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Zenblance said :
Kex said :

Alli's character didn't do anything in particular, Tom just wants Kandarin. Plus he's been bullying her for a long time, but that's not anything new.

Axel Vekon, the Eternal Emperor, the Archmage, the Lichslayer, of the Holy Kandarin Empire.


21-Apr-2016 07:20:26

Sand Traven

Sand Traven

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Hazbollah said :
Valiesin said :

The rest of you could take a thing or two from here; quit whining about it and resolve it IC. If he wins, he wins. If he loses, he loses. It doesn't need to be this complicated or drawn out.

I disagree, I think it does. If OOC hate is driving IC actions it needs shutting down, immediately. I think those of us who remember New Haven - and knew what was going on behind the happy facade - are aware of how these things can end.

We've been saying that POKs should accept all reasonable invasion attempts. An invasion motivated by OOC disputes is not a reasonable attempt by any stretch of the imagination. It destroys roleplays, destroys relationships and causes good roleplayers to quit. Again, New Haven.

It is metagaming, by the original definition of the word. It is the act of bringing the OOC into the IC in order to hurt someone's hopes there for one's own gratification. It never ends well.

A useful by-product of enforcing this rule is that it encourages good conduct and punishes bad. Been sending someone nasty messages? Harassing them on Skype or PM? A screenshot is all it takes to shut you down. People have no choice but to remain cordial. Again, remember New Haven?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.
One man's trash is another's treasure, and one man's cash buys another's pleasure.
So I'll rob from the cradle, and I'll rob from the grave; it's just human traffic, and I'm just a slave.

21-Apr-2016 09:58:37



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Well, this matter is being conducted on the IC basis of Adrian's claim, and his solemn belief in Senna's maleficence.

I had hoped to discuss things in game rather than on here for the sake of avoiding a further continuation of the flaming and the personal attacks that have been wearing me down throughout this entire process, but alas I persevere. Against Senna, Adrian holds the belief that she is guilty of the following:
- Subjugating the Kardians
- Showing a reckless disregard for human life
- Twisting good people and corrupting them
- Surrounding herself with dark, dangerous people
- Being onerously restrictive and illiberal in her absolutism over her vassals

Why he chose this time to strike was because Kandarin seemed weak and on the retreat following its repeated concessions to Thaylon and Camelot. That, and his anger over what he feels was the corruption of his former friend Tyrek, triggered him to move at this point.

I have tried to conduct this objectively, without reference to OOC conceits, and focusing on the IC reasons for the conflict. I have given you polite notice, and invited you to speak with me at whatever point is convenient for you and your admins to begin making headway and progress on this plot.

I am imploring for an end to the dungslinging on all sides, and I just want to see the RP here take priority, not side quibbles that defame myself or others.

Let's be mature about this, because it's not fair on anyone involved to make this into a hate match. This is about characters and the stories surrounding them, and the collision of two IC visions. I've offered my OOC vision for Ardougne as a reassurance that I don't intend on letting anything lower in quality out of indolence. I hope we can move forward with things positively.

Or... we could all join Al Kharid.
Tom ~ Player of Oliver II, King of Kandarin, Prince of Albamonte, Prince of Camelot, Keeper of the Legacy of Baxtorian and Vanguard of Armadyl.

21-Apr-2016 10:33:59 - Last edited on 21-Apr-2016 11:06:37 by Palpatom

Sep Member 2007


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Honestly, this community is one of the best things that has ever happened, to me, because as bitter as it gets, there is something we all have in common, and that is role-play, and the pursuit of it. I love it, and that is not sarcasm. This community has brought me some of my closest friends, and I have had the pleasure of getting to know a lot of you.

Do not get me wrong - I love to keep "IC as IC" - but I have learned, from this community in particular, that there needs to be an accordance between all members of all parties and that there needs to be a common sense of compatibility. Which is very, very difficult, apparently, when it comes to particular members of the community. We have all seen it nearly a hundred-thousand-billion times before, where Tom undertakes a project such as this, or even a PoC, and it crashes and burns. As you can see from his signature, it seems it indicates he pitches all of the blame on you and me. Which is true, in some points of our history together, but it is also untrue in this situation, exemplified by the way he had treated Alli, consistently, prior to the announcement of this invasion.

A lack of compatibility between invader and PoC/K owners/members can be used in many situations, like New Haven, as stated in an above post, and like in Misthalin. But, this is, again, Tom's hundred-thousand-billionth "second chance," which he has wasted time and time again, to a point where it is just unreasonable to think that he should pursue projects such as this, and PoC/K ownership.

Do not get me wrong, I love to keep IC as IC, and OOC as OOC. But you can't keep shoveling the spoiled can of carrots into our mouths, and expect us to "just deal with it." Sooner or later, we're all just going to spit it out.
Hi, I'm Dan.

21-Apr-2016 14:24:24 - Last edited on 21-Apr-2016 14:31:10 by Dansplainer

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