In response, at another rally of his forces, Antiking Alexander II speaks!
So it has come to my attention that Vectis II, King jure uxoris of Kandarin, has spoken at the gatehouse of Castle Ardougne in condemnation of our cause, the cause of liberty, the cause of freedom, and focused all his bile and his hatred upon my person. Perhaps he has already conceded that he cannot argue against the will of the people, perhaps he merely wishes to try to debase me in your eyes, but make no mistake, this is not a fight for me, it is a fight for you! You, the common man of Ardougne who has been subjected both to the jackboot of the armsman and the sticky fingers of the taxman alike! You, who hold the keys to Ardougne’s destiny!
He spoke of my grandfather, of Alexander the Wise, and used the tragic attempt he made on his own life as some sort of justification against me. My grandfather was fettered by an melancholic nature, I am not so, and even then, in his attempted suicide, he took his life in the knowledge and wisdom that Silva would make a fine King, and a fine King Silva did prove to be. Let us not toy with this brazen and irrelevant ad hominem against an accomplished King any further.
So laughable too, that he conveyed his belief that it is the Vekon throne which feeds you. You are fed by your own labours, your own hard work, and to try to make you out as dependants, as children, can only be considered a slight upon the great and industrious people of Ardougne. To try to make out that this ramshackle union in Kandarin has brought anything but expense and the extension of tyrannical devices upon you is a proposition so ludicrous that it almosts makes me laugh until I am rendered to tears by the horror of it. No longer should you be paying for these overextended armies, no longer should you be paying to maintain this false empire. Gold belongs in the pocket of those who have earned it, not hoarded in the pockets of the sovereign. --
Tom ~ Player of Oliver II, King of Kandarin, Prince of Albamonte, Prince of Camelot, Keeper of the Legacy of Baxtorian and Vanguard of Armadyl.
20-Apr-2016 22:53:00