Position Wanted: Demonoligist/Ritual Mistress/Part time contract maker huehue
Magical Skill: Able to conjure contracts with demons and summon them for a short time
A Little About: Absinth after a failed contract went sour had to go and collect the agreed upon payment and wrote and note to tell them about her depature...that she is still carrying with her turning up to the tower in a drunken mess the skankily clad witch stumbles in and passes out in the library awaiting for someone to find her and send her to the head
Black, hideous tendrils now crawl in the peripheral, of those that travel inside of Draynors county borders, with a frequency. Whispers could be heard on the streets of a 'cursed plague',given to those of Draynor by the gods. Those inclined with the necessary information to combat this epidemic know better and know whose fault the plague is.
An investigative team from the Wizards Tower has been sent out to investigate the occurrence.
"You never know what kind of man you'll be until the end."
The following message is being presented through personal mail to its leader(s) and through public media like newspapers and accessible noticeboards for anonymous posting through the use of a third party distributor. It had the title
A World Without Them - Part 2
Every single time a new shiny trinket shows itself on the horizon, they awake from their slumber and meddle themselves with our business as if it is their own. Sometimes you hear their names whispered in distant corners, only for them to make their grand resurgence not much long after.
And for what? For them to get yet another one of their shining moments, usurping more influence and power along the way time after time. It’s always us who are left with the mess. Left with the horrific actions through which their scarred our very world. Forever.