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¸¤º”¨ .... ¸' .. ¤ .............. ¤<±> The Wizards Tower <±> ¤ .............. ¤ .. '¸ .... ¨”º¤¸
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Welcome to Anachronia!
And so, Gen Concendo of the Wizards Tower, Kurnoch Dreadbark of the Magic Guild, Captain Nora of Misthalin, Moira the Guard, and Nigel set forth onto the Stormbreaker, A stowaway with green skin caught in the weevil infested tack crates midway through. The ship workers, as well as Moira, tied up the goblin before they were to make landfall. Five days it took for the ship to make its way through the stormy, ever sickly green sea.
Upon sifting into the beachly sand, the group was hit with the tropic humidity with the salt in the air, the sight of tall, exotic palms assaults their vision. Cautiously, the group made their way through the forest in-which they would find for themselves a Devils Snare lurking just before the entrance to the main camp. Upon being attacked by the Snare, Moira was the one to partake in the lethal lashings whilst Kurnoch summons a giant locust in order for it to try and eat the Snare. Gen climbed upon a rock and let loose a water blast as the plant creature was decided to scram, knocking it dead as Kurnochs locust relieved the monster from its base. Kurnoch took of the Devil Snares top half for further study, stopping for a moment near a tree as the group set forth. Gen stayed behind, arranging rocks near the tree where Kurnoch was. Both Gen and Kurnoch caught up to the group in the end.
They finally arrived to the colony site and settled in.