Hello, and welcome!
The clans of kingdoms and towns (we call them Player-owned-Cities or Player-owned-Kingdoms, PoCs or PoKs for short) are indeed widely accepted. These are your best bet for settling in; for a white knight character, the Empire of Asgarnia would be a suitable place to start but you're by no means tied to that. Kandarin and Misthalin are an equally great bunch of people and either would be eager to help show/re-show you the ropes and get you settled in.
I don't know how much of the technical side of roleplay you've learned, such as the rules and little squiggly characters, but a good grasp of these ensures things run as smoothly as possible. They're well worth learning.
The golden rule, though, is to keep it cool and keep it fun. You seem very mature so I probably don't need to tell you this, but the key thing to remember is that a calm and diplomatic approach to any problems that arise (and they will - you're dealing with creative minds, here) will see you through better than anything. And if you're not sure about anything, a post either here or on the Help & Guide sticky will be answered in short measure.
One man's trash is another's treasure, and one man's cash buys another's pleasure.
So I'll rob from the cradle, and I'll rob from the grave; it's just human traffic, and I'm just a slave.
09-Nov-2015 09:16:33