Preferred OOC name: K*2
Character name : Xemnas
Age: 20
Gender: Human Male
Equipment and Description of characters: He wears new clothes given by Ezra, wears a cape and has 2 painted red metal swords sheathed. He is covered in cuts and wounds from his past history of fights in the public.
History: Starts off as a boy raised outside of east Ardougne in a small hut. His house was burned, he was the only survivor, but was then ambushed. He carries weapons on him given by his father, his clothes all tattered up. At age 16, he was recruited to the Academy of Heroes, he was a student there and he remembers everything that happened while he was there. Ever since he left the academy, he's been lonely, but has been getting into a lot of brawls in falador and Varrock, as you can tell by the wounds that is healing up on him.
Name I Char name I Age I Race I occupation
22-Feb-2016 00:35:11