And you, Valentine, being forced into bankruptcy as Lord Jekyll took your small mining establishment to provide a ludicrous amount of iron ore for armor and weapons. Is this really what we rebelled for? Is this what
of us wanted? Well I say enough is enough.”
The men, women, and children huddled in the room were shocked into silence. They couldn’t believe what this man was suggesting. After a while, the reality of what he was saying slowly sank in.
“I think it’s high time we take back our home town. Who’s with us?” The young man stood, seemingly confident in his decision.
The others in the room remained still at first. Then, each of them slowly nodded. They donned their darkest clothing and slipped into the night, moving from house to house to spread the word in hushed whispers and secretive meetings. Then, come midnight, the farmers and the painters, the sculptors and the blacksmiths alike, the common folk of Taverthorpe, perhaps a tenth of its entire population, rose up and descended upon their own town with pitch forks, scythes, torches, and the like.
“NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION!” One of them could be heard yelling.
“MEN AND WOMEN OF TAVERLY AND BURTHORPE, RISE UP AND CLAIM BACK WHAT IS YOURS!” The hooded figure led the march. He waved back and forth the druidic banner of Taverly.
“I heard Lord Jekyll likes being peed on!”
“I heard he’s got eyeballs for testicles!”
“They’re all feral!”
The town’s inhabitants marched forth through the streets, throwing torches onto every public building they could lay eyes upon. If the soldiers tried to stop them, they would resist, violently.
author of 3 fake books and 1 real book <_>
25-Jul-2016 23:35:38
- Last edited on
25-Jul-2016 23:44:21
I Castigo I