Archon Alli The Eternal 12 Year Old
Rank(Ra’damane or damane):
Do you have a norkel?:
Melee, Range, or Magic:
To the most esteemed Damane Archon Alli,
The Deep Lords have noted your excellent service to the cause, and in recognition, have promoted you from damane to Ra'damane. Your new duties will be difficult, arduous, and trying, but we of the Deep Council believe you have what it takes to truly shine as a Ra'damane. You will be sent to the surface at once to meet with me, Rend Sul'damane, and receive your training in regards to safety in this dry, air-filled realm as well as a seminar on the proper treatment of drynoobs. They prove to be, despite our best efforts, complete idiots, and as such require a tactful hand in helping them don the norkel. We keep telling them to don their own norkel first, and
assist children and the elderly in donning the norkel as well, but they refuse to listen. In due time, your service as a Ra'damane will grant you a considerable swath of territory of these soon to be concurred lands. Jejoice and praise.
Rend Sul'damane
Deepest Lord of the Grand Domain
Herald of the Grand Emergence
Professional Stamp Collector