When we talk about a set deadline or goal being unachievable, I appreciate that a shift too quickly can provoke fear and anxiety. What doesn't help though is misconceptions & misinformation (not suggesting you're intentionally trying to be misleading). In an earlier post you said how this 2030 deadline (for the UK) is unachievable and unrealistic. But you made that point by citing how the UK has 38+ million vehicles. But as I pointed out, we're not talking about 38+ million vehicles in this 9/10 year timeframe, we're talking about at most, close to a 20th of that figure (around 2 million) - that's a drastically different goal.
If the goal was to shift all 38 million vehicles over to EVs by 2030 then I'd be with you 100% - that's just unrealistic in so many different ways, but that's not what is happening and that needs to be made absolutely clear.
I have already acknowledged and addressed this as you've already brought it up.
However further: let us assume that in 2030 the same amount of people buy a new car as last year that is 2.3 million. The bulk of these will, doubtless be EVs since to do other than this would be folly, given the Govt's stated intentions.
In the years between 2020 and 2030 other EVs will be purchased alongside ICE's, most likely rising in number the closer one gets to 2030. I think it's safe to say that's a high probability.
So by 2030 there's going to be a lot more than 2.3 million EVs wanting power, wouldn't you say?
But not a sniff of when and how these are to be powered. The UK doesn't even own it's nuclear stations, various other countries do. If you can bear the long read, treat yourself to this:
We are a very long way from having sufficient capacity by 2030. Check this out:
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Bwian's Towel & Grief Shop
01-Dec-2020 21:34:35
- Last edited on
01-Dec-2020 21:36:29
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