

Quick find code: 23-24-578-66182097

fmod Member


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Here is 5 hours of work yesterday making and digging out a raised bed for my 3 new gooseberry plants. I dug away all sods and added a frame. Added a membrane and planted them and added cut in half large pots to keep the bark chippings away from the stalks. I'm very happy with the outcome.

They look small now but over Summer they will grow and grow. I can't wait.

I wanted to add netting around the frame today but sadly it's chucking it down yet again. Can't seem to catch a break with the weather these days.

Can't wait to pick the first goosegog. :P

PS. My poor back didn't like the work. :P
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What do snowmen have for breakfast? Snowflakes! :P

23-May-2021 11:50:39

Sep Member 2005


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You've done a great job there Tuffty. I hope that they all thrive and that you can enjoy the "fruit" ( pun intended ^_^ ) of your labour later this year.

23-May-2021 14:34:58 - Last edited on 23-May-2021 14:35:33 by Megycal

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 152,160 Ruby Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Been wondering if my 3 rhubarb I got from Amazon was growing as I didn't hold much hope for it. So I dug down through the bark to find out. 2 nothing showing at all :( . 1 had and I say had 1 leaf lol. I knocked it off by mistake. :P It will grow back. ;)

The other 3 are growing still and looking good. 1 had 3 leaves and 1 has 2 and 1 has 1. I think next time I'm at B&Q I'll buy 3 more though. I still have the space.
Comprehensive Account Security
What do snowmen have for breakfast? Snowflakes! :P

24-May-2021 11:19:09

Sep Member 2005


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I finally repotted my orchid today, I've been putting it off for a couple of months. It had quite a lot of dead roots in the centre which I cut off so I hope it survives. I put it in a bigger clear orchid pot and used special orchid compost which seems to be bark chips. I soaked the compost in deionised water before use. The tap water here can be quite hard so I always use deionised for the orchid . I also cut off the baby it had produced a couple of years ago and put it in its own pot. I hope I haven't killed them off. *crosses fingers*

25-May-2021 20:04:46

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 152,160 Ruby Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Good luck with the orchid. They will grow anywhere really.

My Sister has 1 and had it on her kitchen windowsil for 5-6 years and it does not get any attention at all other then a drop of water now and then. It loves it and flowers a lot. It's the only house plant she has lol. Rest died a long time ago.

Today I'm not happy with my dog. Spotted her walking all over my gooseberry patch and shes crushed 1 of the new plants. Broke off 2 nice stems. I just hope it survives.

Just been waiting for the rain to stop before putting a 3 foot net all around it to keep her off. Hope it works. If not I'll put up a gate lol. That will stop her.
Comprehensive Account Security
What do snowmen have for breakfast? Snowflakes! :P

26-May-2021 12:20:34

Sep Member 2005


Posts: 18,097 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thanks Tuffty. My orchid lives on the hearth in winter then I put it in a north facing window in the warmer months. There's a radiator underneath the window so I can't put the orchid there when the radiators are on. So far this system has worked ( must be 6 or 7 years now ) and its had flowers every year. :)

I hope you can get the netting put up soon.

26-May-2021 13:21:02 - Last edited on 26-May-2021 13:24:17 by Megycal

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 152,160 Ruby Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Dog crushed this 1. I hope it pulls through.


Only showing 3 rhubarb as only 3 have shown any signs of growing. Dog crushed 1 and it's not come back yet.

Netting. Can't see it but it's there.

Glad the sun came out during the showers so I could get the netting up. All done now and just wait for everything to grow.
Comprehensive Account Security
What do snowmen have for breakfast? Snowflakes! :P

26-May-2021 13:58:38



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The plants are all doing good. My habaneros are flowering already! They're also about 12 inches tall since I gave them their own pots back in mid March. They've grown so much so fast.

The tomatoes have all exploded too. They're various sizes, all ranging from 10-18 inches tall since they sprouted about a month(maybe month and a half) ago. The jalapenos are doing good too, they range from 2-7 inches tall now or so.

A lot of them are probably stunted because I ran out of pots for them to separate them into.

We did have one casualty with a runt bell pepper. The others are doing good well.

We have 4 runt tomato plants, they seem to be gaining some ground still. I'll give them a shot regardless.

The lemons are also booming. The one that was previously the runt now looks more like an eldritch monster with all the fingers he's developed. They'll need new pots before long now too.

The aloe plant I have is also doing good. I potted three of his pups a while back, and I'd thought they died but they survived! Now I just wanna get a couple of pots for them to give away as gifts. Rincewind and Twoflower are doing good too. Twoflower is actually getting taller?

The ghost peppers! There are a few super tiny runts, and a few of them are a bit bigger. Not sure if they'll thrive but we're trying it anyway.

:) :) :) :)
Arrr! Only th' Devil an' I know th' where'bouts o' me treasure, an' th' one o' us who lives th' longes' should take i' all.


27-May-2021 13:58:53

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 40,586 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I was woken up at 8am (yeah, I know but that's the middle of the night as far as I'm concerned) by my neighbour's petrol mower bursting into life.

He seems to mow his lawn every day that it isn't raining and today he kept going til about 3pm.
His lawn is about 12 sq metres. I could have done a football pitch in that time :P
He may have stopped for lunch at one stage, so let's say.... Six hours!

Meanwhile I've been painting some boards I'm using to repair a couple of shrub planters that I have. I could buy new ones but it's satisfying to repair something.
Who's the cat that won't cop out when there's danger all about?

27-May-2021 16:15:54 - Last edited on 27-May-2021 16:16:46 by Rooh

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