My state and county keep changing the tiers and eligibility guidelines and at this point I'm fed up with it. Originally, it was health care workers, old people, and everyone else was grouped by "essential" professions. Okay, fine. Then they got rid of the "essential" professions category - I would have been in the last tier, just ahead of the general population - and made all the tiers age-based. But wait, now teachers, police officers, and food & agriculture workers get to jump the line. And who could forget about janitors? Now, for the past two weeks, county guidelines have indicated the final tier to open before the general population on March 15 would include only those with severe illnesses like cancer, heart failure, and so on, but yesterday they expanded eligibility to include people who are considered overweight with a BMI >= 25, which covers 73% of the American population. Yeah, I'm young and healthy and knew from the outset that I'd be among the last receive a vaccine, but I'm sick and tired of being jerked around by all these arbitrary guidelines.
So as of tomorrow, if anyone asks, I'm not 6'0 and 174-ish lbs, I'm 5'11 and 179 lbs.
14-Mar-2021 21:24:34