
Coronavirus Vaccine

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FiFi LaFeles

FiFi LaFeles

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I don't mind about other countries banning it - that's entirely their choice, even if it is based on fantasy rather than accurate data. Their loss.

I do mind that a conglomerate bans the export of something they are not going to use, to a country that is going to use it, that have legitimate trade deals to receive the goods, on the basis of .... ? The conglomerate don't want it, but don't want anyone else to have it.

Dog in the manger springs to mind.

Anyway - due my second jab on 1st May - hopefully.

The Ole Man is due his 2nd in June .... hope he gets it because as a Drayman he will be in frequent contact with staff and patrons of pubs, clubs, restaurants and the like. Apart from the few remaining old-fashioned boozers that have their cellar doors out on the pavement, it involves him having to bring barrels and boxes in and through the premises.

Not at as big a risk of picking up lurgie as healthcare workers or the retail staff that have laboured on in close-contact situations throughout this whole horror show, but enough to still be of concern for me.
Le Chat Guerrier

Bwian's Towel & Grief Shop

18-Mar-2021 14:09:10

Sep Member 2005


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FiFi LaFeles said :
I don't mind about other countries banning it - that's entirely their choice, even if it is based on fantasy rather than accurate data. Their loss.

I do mind that a conglomerate bans the export of something they are not going to use, to a country that is going to use it, that have legitimate trade deals to receive the goods, on the basis of .... ? The conglomerate don't want it, but don't want anyone else to have it.

That reminds of a lad who was in my son's class at primary school. During the reception year he would gather all the playground toys and put them under the storage box then sit on the box so no-one could play with them.

18-Mar-2021 18:34:52

Jun Member 2014


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I had mine back in January, back when the vaccinated figures here in the UK were still reletively low. Despite my age, I was identified as being vulnerable due to the nature of my work (supporting schools/social work), and I took the offer for a vaccine as directed.

In terms of side effects, I guess it was the same as any vaccine: aching/brusing at the site of the vaccination, a mild headache, and I guess a 'flu' like feeling - the sort of feeling you have during the recovery phase. A little weak and tired.

In all honesty, the most challenging fact was guilt, in a way. Knowing that I was reletively young, but was offered the vaccine through my position in society - perhaps the dose could have gone to someone who really needed it. But, looking at the bigger picture, that thought was perhaps a little premature and silly.

I'll receive my second dose on Sunday. I'm looking forward to it!

18-Mar-2021 19:18:58 - Last edited on 18-Mar-2021 19:19:52 by Trewavas

fmod Member


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I just got back from my GPs where I got my first (Astrazenica) jab.
The process was really well organised, nobody was kept waiting too long.
Who's the cat that won't cop out when there's danger all about?

19-Mar-2021 13:55:50

Sep Member 2005


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@ Trewavas Don't feel guilty. You have to mix with a lot of different people due to your job. By getting vaccinated you not only protect yourself but reduce the chance of passing the virus on to others.

19-Mar-2021 23:43:01

Jun Member 2014


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Thanks, Megycal. Of course, I know that it was offered to help protect me and those around me, but I know a lot of colleagues also felt the same. As we were offered the Pfizer vaccine, the powers that be told us that if we delayed or cancelled our appointments, there was a high probability of it being wasted due to the temperature constraints (which wouldn't have helped anyone).

My parents will receive their jabs today (Saturday) and I'm still on course for my second dose tomorrow. I'll post back with any side effects.

20-Mar-2021 01:18:28

Feb Member 2018


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Archaeox said :
The vaccine rollout here has been a disaster, thanks to AstraZeneca only delivering 25% of what they promised, and other unnecessary (local) logistical problems.

So no vaccine for me yet. I wouldn't expect to get jabbed before May at the earliest.

If you are so anti vaccine, why would you take a jab in may and not go the whole hog and wait for the usual 5 year testing period?

My apologies if i am incorrect in thinking you was just a forumer and not a chemical genius.

To be precise almost 12 million people in the uk have now had the 1st dose without hardly any problems, idk where you grabbed that 25% protection number from but i would advise you to check again.

I agree, we are all pawns in mankind right now but standing tall, believing and stepping up for man/womankind is the only way forward, hiding behind bullshit figures aint gonna get us know where because remember where these figures come from..........

Always the governments who need these pandemics/wars/terrorist attacks to have us believe they are needed.

Remember this, War makes money, pandemics make money and the terrorist attacks are made into money making schemes.

Much love

Scouse - Live your own life, not someone elses
[qfc id=]whatever[/qfc]
August 15th 2017, the day Jagex freed me
Liverpool is love, Liverpool is life

20-Mar-2021 02:25:10

Feb Member 2018


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Arch, may i just state, you know me well and i have always had your back, this aint just a Scouse rant i happen to disagree and with that disagreement i also hold a lot of hope for both vaccines and cant sit back and see 1 slated, both are trying to save the fuckin world mate, let them do their job!

Much love

Scouse - Believe and belief will occur
[qfc id=]whatever[/qfc]
August 15th 2017, the day Jagex freed me
Liverpool is love, Liverpool is life

20-Mar-2021 03:17:13

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