I had mine back in January, back when the vaccinated figures here in the UK were still reletively low. Despite my age, I was identified as being vulnerable due to the nature of my work (supporting schools/social work), and I took the offer for a vaccine as directed.
In terms of side effects, I guess it was the same as any vaccine: aching/brusing at the site of the vaccination, a mild headache, and I guess a 'flu' like feeling - the sort of feeling you have during the recovery phase. A little weak and tired.
In all honesty, the most challenging fact was guilt, in a way. Knowing that I was reletively young, but was offered the vaccine through my position in society - perhaps the dose could have gone to someone who really needed it. But, looking at the bigger picture, that thought was perhaps a little premature and silly.
I'll receive my second dose on Sunday. I'm looking forward to it!
18-Mar-2021 19:18:58
- Last edited on
18-Mar-2021 19:19:52