As I said before in this thread. Sadly we have taken many steps backwards as a community. A lot of us, infact have become the very thing we where fighting aginst. How can we as the LGBT community sit back silently, when members of our own community scream bloody murder and lawsuits, when they openly seek out places, such as targeting religious bakers, and scream homophobe and bigot if they will not make them a cake for their wedding?
We used to preach about acceptence and tolerance. What has happened? Why are so many of us becoming the very things we have fought so hard aginst? if some one says something we do not like, we are quick to mob and scream injustice, bigot, homophobe. That is not LGBT Pride.
We will not be accepted by all. But that is all right. We cannot as a community, preach for acceptence and tolerance when we will not do the same thing.
On a parting note, I will say this. To all the young men and women in the LGBT community. Stand up and be proud. But do not become what we have fought aginst. Do not become a hetrophobe and bigot yourself.
Don't ever think the reason I am peaceful is because I do not know how to be violent.
Ekki hugsa alltaf að ég sé friðsælt vegna þess að ég veit ekki hvernig á að vera ofbeldi.
20-Jun-2018 22:46:42
- Last edited on
21-Jun-2018 21:42:13