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Ancient Drew

Ancient Drew

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urmyleander said :
• What're your current opinions on the human rights violations against LGBT persons around the world (such as the death penalty for homosexuality)?
I would be shot at dawn by the modern left for suggesting you look at the dominant religion in countries and states that still have this (hint they all adhere to Sharia Law).
In all fairness I think all religions if not all societies have been guilty of this one way or another. And I think acceptance of LGBT has its correlations with economic development as well; developed economies with proper money circulation normally feed public education, and therefore general understanding, well. And this is coming from someone who supports the centre-left as well.
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16-Apr-2018 14:14:52 - Last edited on 16-Apr-2018 14:15:35 by Ancient Drew

xBlue Rosesx
Oct Member 2023

xBlue Rosesx

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I might be the B in LGBT. But I can't say for sure, I've never been with a girl but I've felt the attraction for attractive girls.

Even if I'm bi, I wouldn't really belong with the "LGBT+ community" not just because of the hate for bisexuals, I disagree with them on so many things (I'm actually against forced representation, and I honestly think the mainstream narrative that we're all so oppressed is bullshit).
The rose of Runescape <3

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20-Jun-2018 05:53:29 - Last edited on 02-Aug-2019 06:14:11 by xBlue Rosesx

xBlue Rosesx
Oct Member 2023

xBlue Rosesx

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Kiwi Magic said :
What do you think about Israel Folau's comments on homosexuality?

Just Googled him.

He's entitled to his opinion, and he can say what he wants. He has the right to free speech. I get he's in hot water for making anti-gay marriage comments, I just hope he won't capitulate to community of LGBT+ crybullies.
The rose of Runescape <3

Twitch: xxxbluerosesxxx

20-Jun-2018 06:00:56



Posts: 1,384 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As I said before in this thread. Sadly we have taken many steps backwards as a community. A lot of us, infact have become the very thing we where fighting aginst. How can we as the LGBT community sit back silently, when members of our own community scream bloody murder and lawsuits, when they openly seek out places, such as targeting religious bakers, and scream homophobe and bigot if they will not make them a cake for their wedding?

We used to preach about acceptence and tolerance. What has happened? Why are so many of us becoming the very things we have fought so hard aginst? if some one says something we do not like, we are quick to mob and scream injustice, bigot, homophobe. That is not LGBT Pride.

We will not be accepted by all. But that is all right. We cannot as a community, preach for acceptence and tolerance when we will not do the same thing.

On a parting note, I will say this. To all the young men and women in the LGBT community. Stand up and be proud. But do not become what we have fought aginst. Do not become a hetrophobe and bigot yourself.
Don't ever think the reason I am peaceful is because I do not know how to be violent.
Ekki hugsa alltaf að ég sé friðsælt vegna þess að ég veit ekki hvernig á að vera ofbeldi.

20-Jun-2018 22:46:42 - Last edited on 21-Jun-2018 21:42:13 by Haukur

fmod Member


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I am an ally, and advocate for the LGBTQ and other marginalized communities. Admittedly, when I was younger I wasn't due to ignorance, but after maturing and having a bunch of close friends who identified within the community, I've gained a level of respect and developed a "moral obligation" to advocate for people who identify within the LGBTQ community.

I work at a university in a role in admissions, and encountered an application where a student wrote about his hardships of coming out, and being kicked out of his home. It is 2018, but there are many parts of the world, and a significant portion of the population that is still hateful toward these people. I can only imagine the difficulty of being shunned by one's parents, individuals who are supposed to love them unconditionally and receiving such backlash.

Statistically speaking, these folks are also more likely to commit suicide as a result of such bullying and societal pressures. I do see times changing as many parts of the world are becoming more progressive and open minded.

To me, one's sexual preferences or gender identities should be entirely up to them, and can't be changed just like one's race. Some of the smartest people I know are members of the LGBTQ community, and hopefully the world can continue to move toward a direction where all identities are embraced, and "coming out" will be considered normal. As a former teacher, I also had zero tolerance toward homophobic jokes, and I made sure to be extremely swift and harsh in setting the expectation in the classroom that our classroom and community would be a safe space for every student, regardless of orientation or gender expectation.

I think education, and diversity training to professionals is key toward further mobilizing these changes. There are politicians, doctors, and lawyers who still hold biases toward the LGBTQ community. No degree or level of education should waive people from continuing to learn about embracing all identities.
Forum Moderator

21-Jun-2018 13:47:45

Team Skull
Aug Member 2008

Team Skull

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Theos said :

I think education, and diversity training to professionals is key toward further mobilizing these changes. There are politicians, doctors, and lawyers who still hold biases toward the LGBTQ community. No degree or level of education should waive people from continuing to learn about embracing all identities.

I think education is important, yes, but I don't believe diversity training is the way to go about it (coming from someone who is in a "marginalized group", as some would call it).

If you compare tolerance levels of LGBT+ people now to say...50 years ago, you'll see people have become more accepting over time, so I don't believe it's a matter of diversity sensitivity or whatever term you want to use.

I think we should be teaching people how to not be jerks (You know, basic nursery school stuff) to each other more than anything, really. I used to mod on a LGBT+ server on Discord, and I can not tell you how many times I've had to reprimand individuals for being unnecessarily aggressive towards Allies and even others within the LGBT+ community, with even one individual saying, and I shit you not:

"Cis people do not deserve to have any knowledge of trans individuals or their problems except their pronoun usage"

How does that help the community any? If anything, statements like that hurt the community as it merely perpetuates the various stereotypes of LGBT+ individuals, especially with regard to militant beliefs. We should be aware of their issues so we out a solution that benefits everyone instead of it being lopsided.

But that's just my take on it all.
" like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion."- Jeremy Taylor

21-Jun-2018 14:35:39 - Last edited on 21-Jun-2018 14:38:39 by Team Skull

Jack Flac
Feb Member 2022

Jack Flac

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Look. I don't care if you are Heterosexual, Homosexual, Pedosexual, Hebesexual, Zoosexual, or whatever sexuality you proclaim to be. No matter who or what you may be attracted to, I do not believe that you should be criminalized or stigmatized for it.

Now, do I think you should always act out on your attraction? Eh, that one is iffy, as some of them can be dangerous for you and/or others. But no mater what, one should not be criminalized or stigmatized for their sexuality.

These beliefs criminalizing and stigmatizing anything that is not the standard male/female relationship are beliefs that have only come about in the last ~200 years. And it is high time that they were thrown out already.
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21-Jun-2018 16:34:31

xBlue Rosesx
Oct Member 2023

xBlue Rosesx

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Theos said :
As a former teacher, I also had zero tolerance toward homophobic jokes, and I made sure to be extremely swift and harsh in setting the expectation in the classroom that our classroom and community would be a safe space for every student, regardless of orientation or gender expectation.

Mm...can't say I agree with anything being a safe space. Safe spaces require authoritarian rules to maintain it. I'd rather have free speech than safe spaces.
The rose of Runescape <3

Twitch: xxxbluerosesxxx

22-Jun-2018 08:47:34

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