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FiFi LaFeles

FiFi LaFeles

Posts: 24,106 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Kiwi - as Monarchs go, I thought she was a good one. No whiff of any real scandal was ever attached to her that I can recall, she seemed to be gracious, dignified and mild-mannered.

But I think in my heart of hearts I see Monarchy as a relic of a bygone era and, apart perhaps for being good for tourism, I'm not seeing what relevance they have these days. I certainly wouldn't curtsey to one!
Le Chat Guerrier

Bwian's Towel & Grief Shop

14-May-2023 00:54:23

FiFi LaFeles

FiFi LaFeles

Posts: 24,106 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Origin Nexus said :
Thank you Fifi, for reading the tabloids, so that we don't have to. Way to take one for the team! ^_^

It's a filthy job, but someone's gotta do it.

Actually, I religiously spend about 15 minutes in the morning with my tea and toast scanning the dross as it's rather like reading a comic. Very amusing, it's my guilty pleasure. I'm well aware that I'm not the sharpest knife in the box but these rags cater to the lowest common denominator and are, apparently and slightly worryingly, very popular. Maybe their readers are like me, and do it for the lolz then read 'other stuff' to try to stay informed. Or maybe not.

I wonder if other countries have trashy dailies. They surely must have, the UK can't be the only one. Can it?
Le Chat Guerrier

Bwian's Towel & Grief Shop

14-May-2023 01:06:46

Origin Nexus

Origin Nexus

Posts: 322 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Joel said :

Seems weird that you'd confront me, attack me, and then claim I'm the problem, as though I've just been arguing with myself... and not having a discussion with you... completely ignoring the fact that the entire reason I was responding was because you were commenting and asking questions directly to me. I wasn't out there answering my own questions or responding to my own comments. You engaged me, and kept engaging me, not the other way around.

This is why politics aren't permitted in the forums... because bias, regardless if you claim you're not biased, will eventually always leak out. You wouldn't be doing this on a thread about pies, or about cats that look like celebrities... yet on both of the two political threads you've engaged me on, you directly posted lies about me, knowing full well they weren't true.

We've known each other for a very long time. We almost never have issues. The only time we ever really have an issue is on political topics because.... even though you can try not to let your bias affect your opinions or actions, eventually it does, and then you're making up lies about me to try and... I dunno... prove I'm wrong or something....

No hard feelings though. I mean, it's just a thread topic. I'm just a bit disappointed is all.

14-May-2023 04:27:27 - Last edited on 14-May-2023 04:27:57 by Origin Nexus

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 32,974 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
^ You're quick to call out criticisms on my side without looking in the mirror and perhaps critiquing yourself in the process. I don't think my first response about the Musk/NPR topic couldn't have been fairer or more balanced - I didn't really take that much of a position on it (suggesting I'm bias one way or the other). I acknowledged NPR's accusations but also acknowledged they could be inaccurate or not completely truthful and was pretty clear about it being speculation, however likely or unlikely I personally thought them to be.

After having said all that, I pivoted to the Twitter CEO position topic as another line of discussion and in a subsequent response to you I just added a light-hearted "lighten-up" comment to which you decided it was appropriate to make a comment about Jagex's T&Cs which in of itself is accusatory in nature suggesting I or others are violating them. That's unnecessarily confrontational in an otherwise fine conversation about some story regarding Musk and NPR, with me and others already acknowledging it was just a claim made.

Then it devolved from there.

There has been differing views on that thread, I've even disagreed or taken a slightly different view (more in favour of Musk) compared with Rooh (as an example) and others posting there which were discussed with absolutely no issue, because none of us got so serious about it all that it led to escalated tension. It's unnecessary.

You're accusing me of lying about you, where? Because I used the word "attack" in respect to certain comments you made? You chose to make a remark about Jagex's T&Cs with a clear insinuation that either I or someone else was violating #10 regarding user content, if you can't see in that scenario how that is so unnecessarily confrontational then I can't help you.

I can't help if you're always so quick to critique or jump on people's remarks with such seriousness.

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14-May-2023 06:11:55

Origin Nexus

Origin Nexus

Posts: 322 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Joel said :
you decided it was appropriate to make a comment about Jagex's T&Cs which in of itself is accusatory in nature suggesting I or others are violating them.
Yes, because instead of the those who have been trusted to uphold and enforce the T&C actually upholding them and enforcing them, they're being ignored, and some of them are engaging in said behavior as well.

Section 10 literally says:

User Content:

be accurate
, complete,
uploaded or sent in good faith
and compliant with all applicable laws, regulations and codes of conduct;

Must not:
, threatening,
intentionally misleading
, harassing, sexually explicit or deceptive or fraudulent in anyway;
violence or
, promote or endorse any illegal activity or otherwise be objectionable;
be defamatory
or an invasion of an individual's right to privacy;

Joel said :
Then it devolved from there.

You devolved it when you attacked me. I didn't attack you, or anyone else.

Joel said :
You're accusing me of lying about you, where?
Right here:
Joel said :
minus the unnecessary attack on everything anyone seems to post. )

I literally responded to ONE post, and I asked two questions about the validity of the claim. How is that attacking "everything anyone seems to post"? It's a blatant lie.

Joel said :
Because I used the word "attack" in respect to certain comments you made?
No, because like I said already:
Origin Nexus said :
I've only commented on ONE post that was made, and the rest have been responses to your direct comments and questions to me.

14-May-2023 06:31:33

Origin Nexus

Origin Nexus

Posts: 322 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I just don't understand why you feel the need to lie about me. I wouldn't intentionally lie about you in order to try and... I dunno... prove you wrong? It's defamatory. You shouldn't be engaging in it. No one should.

And you wouldn't be doing it if it were a thread about belly button lint or houses that look like people or the best sandwich recipe.

But because it's political, your bias and passion kicks in and then I'm the bad guy because I may not agree with your opinions or whatever, and then you resort to lying because... I dunno...

But whatever, no hard feelings... I won't hold it against you... just don't lie about me in the future.

You can even have this picture of a cat:

14-May-2023 06:42:18 - Last edited on 14-May-2023 06:45:47 by Origin Nexus

Sep Member 2005


Posts: 18,105 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I really enjoy reading your posts Fifi, so great to have you back. :D

edit to add: *looks around the world* I'd rather have our monarchy than a president

14-May-2023 11:20:08 - Last edited on 14-May-2023 11:22:09 by Megycal

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 32,974 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

If you find something to be violating T&Cs then you should use FH, reporting the exact remarks you find hateful or defamatory but the content thus far on that thread has simply been those sharing their thoughts on Musk and he's obviously thrown himself (as he likes to do) into the limelight and I guess you could say he's in some cases been somewhat controversial either in things he's said or done, in particular with regards to Twitter as of late.

A bunch of people have discussed and chatted on that thread without issue until now, even with differing opinions on Musk. I didn't use the word "attack" based on your first comment there as you suggest. It was used after you made several, and only after you started mentioning Jagex's T&Cs and as a way to accuse I or others of violating them for simply posting and commenting on an article that was written (and now widely reported)., treating it simply as a claim.

You've been active again not even a week and you're butting heads with several people in argumentative and confrontational ways which is just unnecessary which led to asking you to lighten up and not be so confrontational. If you're unable to have civilized and non-confrontational conversation and debate with people here without being overly argumentative then perhaps participation in those conversations isn't the best idea, not because of differing views but because of how those differing views are discussed and navigated.

That's really all I have to say on the matter.

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14-May-2023 13:17:22

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