That's a yikes from me. Damn the tax man. Glad it (seemingly) got sorted out okay, Megycal!
Thanks. It was over 12 years ago and there's never been any problems since. They did a mini audit several years ago and everything was OK.
I'm not super familiar with her, but she played Narcissa Malfoy in Harry Potter. She did a really good job with it too!
I had no idea until now. Super sad to hear this.
She was an incredible force of nature in Peaky Blinders too, among other things. What a terrible loss.
After the first year of my husband working as a self employed person the tax man did a full audit of his records. They wanted every receipt and every piece of paper relating to his work. Luckily everything had been saved and filed. The accountant firm he'd hired to do that first tax return was useless but I have to say that although hubby had underpaid tax HMRC didn't fine him ( if they did he never told me
). He now uses a different accountant who is excellent. The company he'd used for the first year closed down soon afterwards. Not surprising considering the mistakes they made in hubby's tax return, they can't have had many satisfied clients.
Yeah, you have to be careful otherwise it can bite you in the arse at a later date.
A friend of ours had a similar experience.
Despite providing his Accountant with all the relevant receipts, invoices and assorted other paperwork the bozo got it badly wrong and my friend was landed with a big bill from The Taxman.
Rumour has it there's a lot of incompetent Tax Accountants out there but happily I've never had the complication of self-employment.
I work part time for my husband as a clerical assistant. I do things like write up the paper work records, enter the expenses into the computer spreadsheet and make sure the receipts are attached to the relevant paper work record . One thing that happened after that full audit was the tax office said what I did wasn't worth the amount he was paying me. They made him reduce my wages!