The posting of Blacklists, Whitelists or any other form of exclusionary lists on threads in this forum is absolutely prohibited. Member lists do not come under this, so long as they are solely used for the purpose of denoting members of, and standing within, the clan.
Blacklisting is where a player is ignored due to past role-playing experiences. This is in-game and should remain so. It should not be posted on threads under any circumstances. Please use in-game facilities (such as ignore lists, personal and clan) for this, but do not advertise it. Blacklists are often used to name & shame, which is off limits, and to make examples of "bad roleplayers". This should never be encouraged. Instead, do your best to help.
In FSR in Roleplacing but it does say Clan too. So it's covered. Yes it's not been updated in ages but it still counts.
I remember the thread was made by Mod Kalaya. I usually have a copy of any rules but it must be on my other hard drive which I can't access right now. It's not plugged in lol.
As for the thread. I'll keep chasing it up.