@Fayne Tepria: It's strange you know. You would think that as this forums resident Key fanboy and lover of anything with the most remote connection to Jun Maeda that I would be the one leading the proverbial charge for a second season of AB, but...no, just no. There are so many reasons why that would be a bad idea:
1) Lets get the most obvious reason out of the way, if they do that then its not Angel Beats anymore. Angel Beats is built aroudn the story of the Shinda Sekai Sensen, from formation (manga) to Dissolution (anime). You take that out and its just not the same show anymore.
2) The characters aren't going to be the same people that we know and love. Sure, the true route epilogue shows that the characters may look the same post-reincarnation, but different life experiences are going to have shaped them differently as far as their personalities are concerned, so they will be far from the same people.
3) It corrupts the existing ending. Why ruin such a powerful ending with 'oh, by the way, this is just the mid point. There's some relationship drama after this so don't pay this bit to much attention'.
4) I dunno if its Key or KyoAni's fault, but I find watching straight up relationship drama to be dangerous to my mental health and sanity. I need the everpresent, imminent spectre of supernatural dues ex machina damn it.
5) If Maeda had time to be writing relationship drama for a second season, his time would be MUCH better spent doing the scenario prep work for expanding the first into the full AB VN that Key have been dropping hints about since early 2011 but that somehow got shelved for Rewrite.
OTHER KEY RELATED NEWS: News post the other day that Maeda may work on the next Key project. Very happy, Rewrite is awesome and all but I do miss that mans touch.
18-Jan-2013 03:44:37