
Mental Health Awareness

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Mod Lyon

Mod Lyon

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
I was a bit hesitant at first when we focused all of our energy on mental health when there are so many causes that we could help with.

However, seeing the important work and being able to help and support these charities is amazing. Great to see that the community is taking all of this on board as well, and hopefully together we can make a huge difference to these young people's lives :)
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17-May-2017 21:30:03

Chief Elf
Apr Member 2017

Chief Elf

Posts: 5,115 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mod Lyon said :

How's it going, Lyon?

Over the years, I was surprised at the number of players I've encountered who have disclosed their mental illness. I think even in real life, we're bound to know at least one other person who is affected by some form of mental illness. Charities like these are important because their efforts help destroy the stigmas around mental illness.

So thank you very much, Jagex for being a part of raising mental health awareness!
Mental Health
Sweaty Fingers
Mod Meadows

18-May-2017 05:47:56

Chief Elf
Apr Member 2017

Chief Elf

Posts: 5,115 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a chronic mental health condition that presents significant changes in mood and energy. Individuals with bipolar disorder can possess extreme moods of euphoria, high energy and activity (referred to as 'manic'), or feeling extremely low (referred to as 'depression').

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Causes of Bipolar Disorder

Currently, there are no fully known causes of bipolar disorders but research have indicated that genetics associated with development are related with bipolar disorder.

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Signs & Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

Individuals with bipolar disorder experience states of extreme highs and lows. In the high state (manic), people may be highly energetic, over-excited or act recklessly. For them thoughts, speech and movement rapidly increases in speed. They may experience challenges in focusing, feel frustrated or irritable.

Symptoms of low or depressive states are similar to individuals experiencing depression. These includes feelings of sadness, negativity, withdrawal from friends and family, lost of interest in activities that were previously enjoyable to the individual.
Mental Health
Sweaty Fingers
Mod Meadows

18-May-2017 13:27:51

Chief Elf
Apr Member 2017

Chief Elf

Posts: 5,115 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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Signs & Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

Signs of Manic States

• Increased energy
• Irritability
• Overactivity
• Increased spending
• Increased sex drive
• Racing thoughts
• Rapid speech
• Decreased sleep
• Grandiose ideas
• Hallucinations and/or delusions
• Difficulty concentrating
• increasing incidence of paranoid thoughts
• neglecting to eat, losing track of time
• reading extra symbolism into words, events, patterns (seeing ‘codes’)
• increased use of telephone or writing – making contact with many people
• insistent and persuasive
• increased intake – or binges – of alcohol and/or drugs
• arguments with friends or family
• increased ‘driven’ activity without stopping to eat, drink or sleep
• increased interest in religious/spiritual ideas or themes
• taking on more work or working to extremes in hours or projects.

Signs of Depressed States

• Low mood
• Irritability
• Loss or change of appetite
• Lack of motivation
• Low self-esteem
• Sleep disturbance
• Suicidal thoughts
• Difficulty managing small tasks or making simple decisions
• change in sleep patterns – insomnia, or excessive sleeping
• fatigue
• loss of concentration
• withdrawal – avoiding social contact, not answering phone, cancelling social activities
• increased anxiety and feelings of worthlessness
• loss of interest in leisure activities and hobbies
• listening to sad/nostalgic music
• taking sick days
• procrastinating and putting off responsibilities
• bursting into tears for no apparent reason
Mental Health
Sweaty Fingers
Mod Meadows

18-May-2017 13:33:50 - Last edited on 18-May-2017 13:34:25 by Chief Elf

Chief Elf
Apr Member 2017

Chief Elf

Posts: 5,115 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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Commonly used terms in Bipolar Disorder

• Rapid Cycling

Rapid cycling is referred to as the movement between four or more mood episodes per year. These includes manic, hypomanic, depressive or mixture of episodes.

It is difficult to treat rapid cycling and patients often require a combination of medication.

Rapid cycling and mixed states are more likely to be experienced by women.

• Mixed Episode

Mixed episode occurs when the individual experience symptoms of a combination of manic and depressive states at the same time. If aggressive behaviour is exhibited, patients may require hospitalisations for safety concern.

• Seasonal Pattern

For some, mood disorders are considered to be triggered during certain seasons.

At times, an individual with bipolar disorder may exhibit more manic episodes at certain times of the year. For example, depressions often occur during autumn and winter.
Mental Health
Sweaty Fingers
Mod Meadows

18-May-2017 13:40:48 - Last edited on 18-May-2017 13:41:43 by Chief Elf

Chief Elf
Apr Member 2017

Chief Elf

Posts: 5,115 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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Intense feelings of sadness, negativity, or feeling low for long periods of time and at times, without any apparent reason can be experienced by some people. Depression is more than just having a low mood, it is a serious condition that affects an individual's psychosomatic health.

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It's difficult to pinpoint the exact causes of depression but a number of factors have been associated with its development. Depression usually is caused by a combination of recent events and other longer-term or personal factors, rather than a single immediate issue or event.

• Life Events

Research have indicated that continuing challenges - long-term unemployment, abusive environment, uncaring relationship, long-term isolation or loneliness, extensive work stress are more than likely to cause depression than recent life stress. However, recent events (such as loss of job), or a combination of events can 'trigger' depression if an individual is already at risk due to past negative experiences or personal factors.

Personal Factors

Family history – Depression can run in families and some people will be at an increased genetic risk. However, having a parent or close relative with depression doesn’t mean you’ll automatically have the same experience. Life circumstances and other personal factors are still likely to have an important influence.

Personal - Some people may be exposed to a greater risk of depression because of their personality, especially if they have a tendency to worry excessively, possess low self-esteem, sense of perfectionism, highly sensitive to personal criticism, or are self-critical and negative.

[ be continued..]
Mental Health
Sweaty Fingers
Mod Meadows

21-May-2017 12:53:53 - Last edited on 21-May-2017 12:55:01 by Chief Elf

Chief Elf
Apr Member 2017

Chief Elf

Posts: 5,115 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

• Serious medical illness

Stress and worry of coping with a serious illness can result in depression, particularly if the individual is dealing with long-term management and/or chronic pain.

• Drug and alcohol use

Substance and alcohol use can contribute and lead to depression. Many individuals with depression experience substance and alcohol issues.

Changes in the Brain

Despite numerous research in this complex region, there is still much that we do not know. Depression is not simply the product of chemical imbalances, such as if you possess too much or insufficient or a particular brain chemical. It is a complicated issue with multiple causes of major depression. Genetics, vulnerability, extreme life stressors, substances and medical conditions have an impact on the process that the brain regulates an individual's moods.

Modern antidepressants have an effect on the brain's chemical transmitters (serotonin and noradrenaline), responsible for relaying messages between neurons and this is perceived to be the process of medication for more severe depression. Individuals with depression can benefit from psychological treatment to assist in regulating your moods.

Effective treatment can stimulate the development of new nerve cells in circuits that regulate your mood, which is perceived to play a crucial role in recovering from the most severe episodes of depression.
Mental Health
Sweaty Fingers
Mod Meadows

21-May-2017 13:03:16

Chief Elf
Apr Member 2017

Chief Elf

Posts: 5,115 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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Types of Depression

Major depression is sometimes referred to as major depressive disorder, clinical depression, unipolar depression or simply 'depression'. It involves low mood and/or loss of interest and pleasure in usual activities, including other symptoms. Symptoms can be experienced on most days and last for a minimum of two weeks. Symptoms of depression can hinder all areas of an individual's life, including work and social relationships. Depression ranges from mild to moderate or severe; melancholic or psychotic.

• Melancholia

The term is used to describe a severe form of depression where may of the physical symptoms are exhibited. Changes can include an individual's movements become more sluggish. They are also more likely to have a depression mood characterised by complete loss of pleasure in most, things if not everything.

• Psychotic depression

Individuals with a depressive disorder may lose touch with reality or experience psychosis. This may involve hallucinations or delusions including beliefs that they are bad or evil, or that they are being watched or followed. They can be paranoid, such as feeling as though everyone around them is against them or that they are the source of the illness or bad events occuring around them.
Mental Health
Sweaty Fingers
Mod Meadows

21-May-2017 13:12:22

Chief Elf
Apr Member 2017

Chief Elf

Posts: 5,115 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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Each individual experiences recovery differently as it is a unique process. However, there may be some common emotions that many people may experience.

1. Shock - at having to deal with something challenging and frightening that you have no prior experience of.

2. Denial - or difficulty in accepting that one has a health issue, especially one that many find difficult to understand.

3. Despair - and anger at having to deal with the condition and its associated challenges.

4. Acceptance - of having a condition and the changes it produces, and accepting how others perceive you as well as your self-perception.

5. Coping - by finding new methods to live with and deal with the changes as well as challenges. Recovery goes beyond focusing on handling distressing symptoms but about having choices and the ability to create a meaningful, positive, as well as contributing life.
Mental Health
Sweaty Fingers
Mod Meadows

21-May-2017 13:19:22

Chief Elf
Apr Member 2017

Chief Elf

Posts: 5,115 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Signs & Symptoms


• Completely avoids outdoor activities
• Work/School tasks are not being completed
• Withdrawing from close friends and family
• Dependency on alcohol and other substances
• No longer engages in usual activities that the individual enjoys
• Unable to Focus


• Overwhelmedoverwhelmed
• Guilt
• Irritability
• Frustration
• Lack of confidence
• Unhappiness
• Indecisiveness
• Increased disappointments
• Increased sadness


Some examples of depressive thoughts include;

• "I'm a failure"
• "It's all my fault"
• "Nothing good ever happens to me"
• "I'm pathetic and worthless"
• "Life is not worth living"
• "The world is better off without me"'


Some symptoms of depression include:

• Feeling exhausted or tired all the time
• Feeling sick
• Headaches and muscle pains
• Churning gut
• Issues with sleep
• Loss or change of appetite
• Substantial weight loss or gain
Mental Health
Sweaty Fingers
Mod Meadows

21-May-2017 13:24:06 - Last edited on 27-May-2017 02:44:55 by Chief Elf

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