For Veterans, here in the US we have a few resources. One of them is Veteran's Crisis Line, the number for it is 1-800-273-8255, then press 1. They also have a text number 838255. I know it have saved my life several times.
Here is the site for them.
Myself, I am a Veteran of the Vietnam War, and suffer extreme PTSD. There was several times after I returned state side that I had contemplated suicide, and had even attempted it at one point. I tried to od on sleeping pills, which I chased down with a bottle of scotch. That was how severe it was.
I spent three months in a Mental Hospital, but by that time I had learned to put on a mask, to cover what I was truely going through. The thing with PTSD is this, anything can trigger it. A smell, a loud noise.
I have learned to recognize the signs of a pending flash back, for me I start smelling iron, damp earth, and burnt cordite. The ones that truely scare the living hell out of me, are the ones that hit me when I am asleep. Which has happened several times. Thank God above that my husband has been there to help me through.
For those that have never had to deal with PTSD, it is hell. Being a prisoner, not knowing when it will send you into a flash back, being afraid, especialy if you are a combat veteran, if this is going to be the time that I hurt or kill a loved one when I am gripped by it.
Don't ever think the reason I am peaceful is because I do not know how to be violent.
Ekki hugsa alltaf að ég sé friðsælt vegna þess að ég veit ekki hvernig á að vera ofbeldi.
14-Mar-2018 13:38:49