
Mental Health Awareness

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Chief Elf
Apr Member 2017

Chief Elf

Posts: 5,115 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Conqueress said :
I'm so glad to see so much support for mental health, and this was a wonderful post to read. We've come a long way and still have a ways to go with the whole stigma behind mental health, but it's good to see that people are starting to become more vocal and acknowledge that there is something wrong, and to seek help, which is the next big step. So for anyone that's doing so... Keep fighting the good fight. You'll encounter some very rough days and maybe even be uncomfortable in ways, or feel helpless, but don't give up.
Also, if anyone needs a friend or just to chat and vent, you're more than welcomed to add me in game. I normally leave me chat on and do my best to always respond when not distracted.

"I know it seems hard sometimes, but remember one thing; Through every dark night, there's a bright day after that. So no matter how hard it gets, stick ya chest out, keep ya head up, and handle it." - Tupac

Also my sig below, from Maya Angelou. <3

That was a beautiful message, thank you for that!

Also, I love Tupac and oh my gosh Maya Angelou <3
Mental Health
Sweaty Fingers
Mod Meadows

05-Oct-2021 01:37:15

Nov Member 2020


Posts: 562 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
just wanted to post a shout out to everyone tht has been at their lowest of lows and highest of highs. at some point in our day to day lives we all experience some sort of mental health issues. wether it be depression to anxiety from panic attacks to lonelyness I have experienced my share of mental health issues for many yrs ever since I lost my mother at 13. Just dont rush urself dont push urself too hard. we all have limits we arnt super human. yet. I hope everyone is safe and will continue to stay safe u are loved I know how tough things can be sometimes. just day by day friends. ur not alone even if u feel alone. have a beautiful day everyone. stay safe and most importantly be happy :) smile!!! <3

PS. And never be afraid to reach out for help. It saved my life just reaching out. Sometimes being strong is just asking for help. <3
The LG
~ Eve
Team Admin


05-Oct-2021 16:38:51

Chief Elf
Apr Member 2017

Chief Elf

Posts: 5,115 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lovs said :
just wanted to post a shout out to everyone tht has been at their lowest of lows and highest of highs. at some point in our day to day lives we all experience some sort of mental health issues. wether it be depression to anxiety from panic attacks to lonelyness I have experienced my share of mental health issues for many yrs ever since I lost my mother at 13. Just dont rush urself dont push urself too hard. we all have limits we arnt super human. yet. I hope everyone is safe and will continue to stay safe u are loved I know how tough things can be sometimes. just day by day friends. ur not alone even if u feel alone. have a beautiful day everyone. stay safe and most importantly be happy :) smile!!! <3

PS. And never be afraid to reach out for help. It saved my life just reaching out. Sometimes being strong is just asking for help. <3

This was so beautiful, and I just want to echo your sentiment “sometimes being strong is just asking for help”. It ever makes you wonder what strength means and looks like to each individual. What stories have we picked up from our culture, our environment that shape our idea around ‘strength’ and how does it help us or slow us down?
Mental Health
Sweaty Fingers
Mod Meadows

06-Oct-2021 08:53:56

Chief Elf
Apr Member 2017

Chief Elf

Posts: 5,115 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hi everyone, I’ve been so intrigued by positive care approach towards individuals with dementia!

Here are some more tips that I’ve learnt around engaging with patients who hallucinate/time slip, or waiting for someone who’s not there:

1. Use the micro-skill of echoing.

Patient: “Hey.. what’s that [person] doing out there?”
Care partner: “Ohh, you’re wondering what that [person] is doing there?”

2. Check in with how the individual is feeling in relation to the experience or subject.

Care partner: “Are you worried about [person] or just curious?”
Patient: “Oh he’s just playing”

3. Check in with a little more detail, utilising the microskill of echoing.

Care partner: “Playing .. so he’s okay?”

4. Within context, offer an alternative activity than attending to the subject.

Care partner: “If he’s okay.. how about we go get something to eat?”

5. Normalise/provide some reassurance.

Care partner: “We can check back later to see if they’re okay”

Other things to note:

I. The care partner isn’t completely ignoring the subject (hallucination)
II. But neither is the care partner agreeing that such subject is present within reality.
III. Rather, you’re attending to the individual’s feelings in relation to the subject in that moment of time. You are acknowledging the individual’s feelings.
IV. Arguing whether something exist or doesn’t exist may or may not help, because you’re not sure where the individual might take it to, how they might respond. But what you can do is offer another alternative that perhaps is more grounding of the present (reality).
Mental Health
Sweaty Fingers
Mod Meadows

06-Oct-2021 09:01:55

Averia Light

Averia Light

Posts: 28,508 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chief Elf said :
Averia Light said :
Hmm, I'll do an update.

After thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours in therapy, it turns out that I have agoraphobia.

For those who knew me, avoidant would be the perfect word to describe me, haha. I am doing a lot better now that I have been properly diagnosed.

Thank you so much for sharing. It sounds like getting a diagnosis has brought some relief for you.

You don’t have to share if you don’t want to, but is there anything you’d like the community/public to know that can help us better support individuals who’re dealing with agoraphobia or related avoidance?

Probably that if you want me to go somewhere alone and I decline, it isn't personal. I'm just terrified.
And I swear I'm not going to let her know all the pain I have known

15-Oct-2021 03:56:59

Nov Member 2020


Posts: 562 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ive been debating on posting something a bit personal but ima just post it. excuse spelling and grammar.

Hi. Im known in game as Loveing. I am a proud member and clannie of the LGBT+ Corner. A wonderful clan. On a game where I feel like I can escape.

I consider myself lucky. Compared to alot of situations in the world. Although like most of us we all have our issues and struggles of day to day life. For example I am a transgender woman. I've been dealt a difficult hand of cards, one that I will gamble with. Ive struggled with bullying and all sorts of mental disorders including drug and alcohol addictions in my teens early twenties being 30 now. I turned to substance abuse to block out my true feelings. I felt that I was unnatural to this world. That I was just a freak. I spent many yrs including early teens debating on taking my own life. I felt that I simply did not belong in this world. That I was weak and only the strong survive. I felt this was how it was. That no one would want to help a transgender gay teen.

eventually I wound up in a mental hospital several times for suicidal idealations and over dose. Getting diagnosed with all sorts of issues and disorders. One that I kept secret was my sexuality. Once I was finally out of the hospital and yrs have passed I felt safe and stable enough to come out as who I feel I am meant to be. Then the struggle began all over. Harassments in public. cut off from some family. I felt like I was at step one all over.

You see I feel that inclusiveness is very important in this world. We all have different views and beliefs and not one single person out there will think 100% like you. Unless u have a copy cat identicle twin.

Im proud to say im much happier these days than I was before though. I just want to conclude this by I hope anyone out there that might understand or feel the ways I have or still do reach out for help. I too fight mental disorders with you as a friend. Stay Safe and smile today. <3
The LG
~ Eve
Team Admin


17-Oct-2021 22:31:35

Nov Member 2020


Posts: 562 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
PS. Being inclusive rlly helped me. Wether it be family or friends or just som1 to talk too. Sometimes its all we rlly need. A good friend or family member :)
The LG
~ Eve
Team Admin


17-Oct-2021 23:20:32

Chief Elf
Apr Member 2017

Chief Elf

Posts: 5,115 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thank you so much for sharing Loveing, it sounds like you’ve been through sooo much and yet you ended your post in such a happy tone. I’m really glad that your days have become happier!

I used to own an LGBT thread on the Off Topic forums but since the implementation of the no-politics rule I wanted to lock the thread on my own, pleasant terms in a way that honours everyone’s contributions.

Your clan must be really wholesome!
Mental Health
Sweaty Fingers
Mod Meadows

02-Nov-2021 08:47:40

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