Great thread. I have Asperger's syndrome, attention-deficit disorder, bipolar disorder and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (not the same as OCD). I have also struggled with depression and I used to have severe social anxiety disorder in my adolescence.
I don't have much time right now, I'll reply again tomorrow or so, but my history is why I am extremely interested in clinical psychology and why I care about raising awareness of mental health problems. Tomorrow I'll see if I have some statistics to contribute.
By the way, I am currently working on a video about the mental-health stigma and how that is visible in RuneScape. I hope it's ready to be uploaded on Sunday, so I'll make sure to post it here then. I have also made two other videos about mental health in RuneScape that you might want to check out (my YouTube name "July, The RuneScape History Guy" ):
-"Poll results: Mental Health in the RuneScape Community": Posted those polls on the RuneScape Reddit pages in November of last year. 5k-22k RS players participated and that video is about the results.
-"How to be Happier in RuneScape - Mental Health": More about how to avoid negative emotions while playing RuneScape.
12-May-2017 22:40:00
- Last edited on
12-May-2017 22:40:46