
Mental Health Awareness

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Chief Elf
Apr Member 2017

Chief Elf

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Ruby Inferno said :
As someone who has been depressed to the point of contemplating suicide, and suffers from anxiety, it pisses me off when people say mental illness is "all in your head" and "you're just attention seeking". Yeah, tell that to people who mutilate themselves just to make the suffering slightly more bearable. Tell that to people who have had loved ones take their own lives because they couldn't cope.

There is certainly more acceptance and less stigma around mental illness than there has been in the past, but the stigma is still present, enough so that many sufferers still feel ashamed or embarrassed to tell people what they're going through.

I remember being hesistant to tell people how I felt because I was scared of them thinking I belonged in a mental asylum or something. However, I have always found it much easier to tell people about it over text than in person, especially if the subject makes you emotional, which it still does for me, even though I'm in a much better place than I was.

To anyone suffering, it does get better. Stay strong.

Thanks for making this thread.

How's it going, Ruby?

Thank you so much for sharing with us. I'm so sorry that you've had to face all that negativity. My sister has anxiety as well and at that point of time, one of our family members told her that it was just an attitude problem.

That's the reason why Mental Health awareness is so important because we want to eliminate the stigma as much as possible because people don't realise how their words or actions can affect a person.

I'm so happy to hear that you were able to talk to someone, at least you know that you are not alone!

I'm glad that you're here today to share this with us! (Also I know that you pull some of the most awesome forum signatures, haha!)
Mental Health
Sweaty Fingers
Mod Meadows

13-May-2017 02:29:42

Chief Elf
Apr Member 2017

Chief Elf

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July said :
Great thread. I have Asperger's syndrome, attention-deficit disorder, bipolar disorder and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (not the same as OCD). I have also struggled with depression and I used to have severe social anxiety disorder in my adolescence.

I don't have much time right now, I'll reply again tomorrow or so, but my history is why I am extremely interested in clinical psychology and why I care about raising awareness of mental health problems. Tomorrow I'll see if I have some statistics to contribute.

By the way, I am currently working on a video about the mental-health stigma and how that is visible in RuneScape. I hope it's ready to be uploaded on Sunday, so I'll make sure to post it here then. I have also made two other videos about mental health in RuneScape that you might want to check out (my YouTube name "July, The RuneScape History Guy" ):

-"Poll results: Mental Health in the RuneScape Community": Posted those polls on the RuneScape Reddit pages in November of last year. 5k-22k RS players participated and that video is about the results.

-"How to be Happier in RuneScape - Mental Health": More about how to avoid negative emotions while playing RuneScape.

Thanks for sharing with us July! You're an inspiration to all of us!

It's so awesome that you were able to turn your weaknesses into strengths! In my Psychology course, there were a few students who said that they were interested in Psychology because they were suffering from a mental illness or that they had consulted a psychologist before and became interested in the subject.

That's awesome, all the best for the video project! (Secretly wishing to be a part of the project, :P )

Yaaay, another Psychology student! Go us!
Mental Health
Sweaty Fingers
Mod Meadows

13-May-2017 02:33:37

Chief Elf
Apr Member 2017

Chief Elf

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Peaky said :
Yeah I'm very happy with the event as well. I dropped $20 so fast, I think my bank account broke the sound barrier!

While I don't have a mental illness, (at least not serious enough to be diagnosed) I do feel that most, if not all, people have at least some slight aspects of various mental disorders. Many people out there still don't understand, some even refuse to, but its getting better, and I cannot wait to see the progress we make in the years to come!

Just remember this: Love, compassion, and support will always be far more powerful than ignorance and hate. You don't have to understand. All you need to do is TRY to understand. ^_^

How's it going, Peaky?

Thank you so much for supporting the community! Every little cent goes a long way!

That's interesting! I'm reminded that sometimes an individual maybe suffering from a mentall illness without being aware of it. Or that they suspect they might have a mental illness but they choose to deny it because they don't want to be labelled or perceived as mentally ill (by themselves and society) so they choose not to seek help. Or that they feel that they should be a 'man' and just tough it up (you'd be surprised at the rate of male suicides compared to female suicides).

That's why Mental Health Awareness is so important so we can destroy all these harmful stigmas surrounding mental illnesses and that the individuals suffering can seek support without little fear.

Your ending statement was magnificent! That's true! Love and compassion is all around!
Mental Health
Sweaty Fingers
Mod Meadows

13-May-2017 02:41:39

Dec Member 2018


Posts: 639 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Finally a positive thread! I'm thankful that the subject of mental health was specifically chosen as the charity event. It's the first one I'm participating in and I think that's really good on Jagex to choose something that is currently a widespread discussion.

Peaky said :

That's interesting! I'm reminded that sometimes an individual maybe suffering from a mentall illness without being aware of it. Or that they suspect they might have a mental illness but they choose to deny it because they don't want to be labelled or perceived as mentally ill (by themselves and society) so they choose not to seek help. Or that they feel that they should be a 'man' and just tough it up (you'd be surprised at the rate of male suicides compared to female suicides).

This describes my situation right now perfectly. Though I've been given medicine I haven't sat down with a therapist or a psychologist or anything of the sort yet. Technically I am "untreated". Also, because I'm a woman, I'm often told it's raging hormones/PMS and that there's no need. Sure, hormonal changes in a lady could amplify the effects, but I know in my case that it isn't a sole cause.

Anyway, this event and the fact that it's getting people talking is a great thing, regardless of how I've seen it being picked apart on other boards for its execution. I hope this is a theme Jagex can incorporate into the game or into another event in the future, because they clearly do care about their players. :)

13-May-2017 03:45:44 - Last edited on 13-May-2017 03:49:03 by Imiya

Chief Elf
Apr Member 2017

Chief Elf

Posts: 5,115 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Imiya said :

How's it going, Suzukaori?

First of all, let me just say, I love your name! It sounds Japanese and I absolutely love their culture!

Thank you so much for sharing with us! There's nothing wrong with seeing a counsellor or psychologist. Even my psychology tutor once recommended me to see a psychologist regarding a situation which scared me quite a bit, but I knew it wasn't anything major, it's just that a psychologist might help me understand my situation better.

I agree! Thank you Jagex for choosing to raise awareness for mental health!

As for your quote, I'm not sure where if there's anything wrong in particular, appears fine to me! ^_^
Mental Health
Sweaty Fingers
Mod Meadows

13-May-2017 09:34:10

Chief Elf
Apr Member 2017

Chief Elf

Posts: 5,115 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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Autism Spectrum Disorder

"If you've met one person on the autism spectrum, you've met one person on the spectrum"

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What is ASD?

ASD refers to a range of conditions characterised by;
• some degree of impaired social behaviour
• some degree of impaired communication and language
• narrow range of interests and activities unique to individual that are carried out repetitively.

ASD is referred to as a 'developmental disorder' because of the associated symptions that appear in the early stages of a child's development. There is a wide variety and differing levels of severity of symptoms found in children with ASD and thus, the term 'spectrum' is used.

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Dispelling the Myth

• There is no scientific evidence of casual association between measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, and ASD. Previous studies that have suggested an association were discovered to have flaws in methodology.

• There is no scientific evidence to suggest that any other childhood vaccination may increase the likelihood of ASD.
Mental Health
Sweaty Fingers
Mod Meadows

15-May-2017 08:33:39

Chief Elf
Apr Member 2017

Chief Elf

Posts: 5,115 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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Challenges Faced by ASD Individuals

• Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
Communication skills vary depending on the intellectual and social development of the individual. Some individuals with ASD may possess little capabilities at speech while others appear to possess normal speech. However, individuals with normal speech may usually find it difficult to communicate effectively. Some individuals may sad odd or inappropriate things, repeat verbal statements, talk about specific topic for long periods of time without an awareness that the other persons have lost interest or spout things that are irrelevant to the subject. As such, individuals with ASD can be victimised by bullying. Some individuals with ASD may find it challenging to maintain eye contact with others and comprehend non-verbal communication (such as facial expressions and gestures).

• Social Awareness and Interaction
Individuals with ASD may find it challenging to follow social rules which may present them as unfriendly. For example, they may avoid looking at the person talking or appears disinterested. They may not follow common social behavioural norms (such as licking or touching or talking inappropriately).

• Activities & Interests
Children with ASD may use toys/objects in unusual ways and may develop obsessions with it. Individuals with ASD may be hypersensitive or undersensitive in their senses. They generally dislike change or being in new situations. Some individuals may possess behavioural problems such as temper tantrums, aggression or self-injurious behaviour such as self-biting or head-banging.
Mental Health
Sweaty Fingers
Mod Meadows

15-May-2017 08:34:33 - Last edited on 15-May-2017 08:35:11 by Chief Elf

Amygdala MD

Amygdala MD

Posts: 359 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chief Elf said :
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List of International Suicide Hotlines

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- 09000767

If your country is not listed here or if the hotline is incorrect, please post on the thread so I can edit it!

This is not a suicide hotline per se. This is actually a much broader hotline from an organization named sensoor. Can call them for whatever would be troubling you.

The actual Dutch suicide hotline would be 09000113. They also have a website for if you'd prefer to chat rather than call, or are merely looking for further information ( Alternatively, people in the Netherlands can also direct themselves to their GP (Dutch: huisarts) or their on-call GP center during off-hours (Dutch: huisartsenpost).

15-May-2017 20:39:19 - Last edited on 15-May-2017 20:39:39 by Amygdala MD

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