Also the planted feet perk has been re-designed - I'll keep the 3 rank extention in the list though.
(F2P) QoL v2
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16-Jan-2017 14:36:36
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16-Jan-2017 14:55:47
- I support the ability to see other players' augments upon examining them.
- I'd really like to see them add a "hide augment" option, the cogs on armors can look pretty dumb sometimes (especially on seismic weapons).
Hey thank you for your feedback: I'll keep a hide augment option in mind (especially as they're for themselves all but consequent which augmented gear shows cogs and which not), but I won't add it for now, as I currently want to keep this thread focused on gameplay improvements
(F2P) QoL v2
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23-Jan-2017 07:36:28
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23-Jan-2017 07:36:47
please let them add all her ideas main one im looking forword for is finally hybrid gear being augmentable like come on dyed armour degrade to dust armour hammers and tenderboxes all became augmentable but not hybrid armour like really
Yes regarding this they're extremely slow: While they manage allowing new items to be augmented upon release, they only did this for defenders, dyed t90s and raptor weapons for existing items (crystal tools are always part of a new concept) in over a year
Hybrid is probably the biggest inconsistency in here (Akrisae allowed initially (or shortly afterwards), sliske anima core upon release - but none of the other ones)
(F2P) QoL v2
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14-Feb-2017 06:53:55
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14-Feb-2017 06:55:19
Thanks very much for your extensive work on this Rikornak. You obviously know your invention stuff!
I've just hit a cap of 100k for organic parts that have come as a result of getting living components to make mech chins. I'm approaching that same number for smooth parts as a result of getting clear to make gizmo dissolvers.
I'm wondering why the cap is there and if it would be a good idea/doable thing to remove it or increase it. I use organic parts but there's no way I can see to use enough of them to keep below this cap ad infinitum and to just lose the parts altogether once to hit the cap seems... well just mean tbh! And a waste of time.
Is there a way round this that I've missed? I see one of your suggestions is to turn parts you lose through going over the cap into junk instead, but presumably there's a limit to how much junk we're allowed to have as well?
I'm also wondering if there's a cap on components too? Do you know what it is?
I personally think 100k units (I can't confirm it, but I assume for now it is the same for uncommon/rare components) of parts is a decent cap and shouldn't be increased further. The issue in here is some materials are extremely overused (basic, crafted,...) and some are not used at all:
Stave parts for instance are generated in fairly large quantities, but the amount used is negligible for that lackluster trap - they're also not relevant for any perk. If a new device would consume those parts in bigger numbers (and is used to create something somewhat appealing) players would naturally decrease their stock - but in the current system it wouldn't make any difference if you're having 100k, 500k or whatever number up to maximum integer units of useless materials laying around. I did the suggestion for conversion to junk as players shouldn't lose too much of by-products, but of course I would rather see updates to actually make use of those materials.
Junk on the other hand probably has a (higher - I don't know the exact number) cap as well, but this is the result of it being generated in bigger numbers (especially if disassembling low leveled items) and it also can be consumed quickly by refining it and creating some B.A.N.K standers followed up. If you're hitting the cap for it you're really provoking it I guess...
(F2P) QoL v2
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27-Feb-2017 13:05:17
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27-Feb-2017 13:42:09
Thanks for that Rikornak, I thoroughly agree with you about the best solution being Jagex introducing content that makes use of these underused parts and components, but I think if that happens it's likely to do so slowly, and meanwhile those extra parts are lost.
I guess the best thing I can do personally for now is just accept the loss and keep going as I have been.
I will be able to make use of B.A.N.K standers in the future so I will hope that your convert to junk suggestion gets taken up.
(For the record, I'm levelling Invention solely by disassembling items and making devices and not via conventional means which is why I'm hitting those caps so quickly.)
Thanks again for your hard work on this, I'll be sure to keep an eye on this thread now I know it's here
The equilibrium perk has been fixed and does no longer supress critical strike bonuses - removed it from the list
(F2P) QoL v2
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