To fellow OP I too find your idea lacking some creativity, but instead of not supporting your idea, I'd like to support this idea and offer you a parting of my imagination on just one way on how far you can take this idea if you spent a few nights thinking of more to add to this thread.
First of all we all know that each food heals a certain amount of XP right? Well as a Butcher you can create anything from the meat. from thighs, *******, drumsticks, small pieces of fish, steak, and there are so many other different forms of meat cuts out there including sausage.
Depending on Butchers level is what meats they are allowed to butcher, and what sort of shapes they can make the meat into.
Not only that, but each shape called come with it's own special bonus effects when it comes to healing hp?
E.G Chicken thighs which need a butchery level of say 10? can have chicken heal your hp 1.5 times more than it normally would.
And as you can advance and do better cuts, you can allow that food to 3 times heal you at the max maybe at 95 Butchery? Just the idea I want to offer.
Butchers are well known for making cuts out of the meat, that leaves the most nutrient filled, and the least nutrients taken away, it'd make sense; that Butchered meat could increase the amount of hp it heals for you.
Also perhaps there can be things that only Butchers can make for the cookers, like you said only butchery can turn a meat into a steak right? Well maybe steak can give more XP for cooking like 2 times? more XP than what the unbutchered meat would of given the cooker?
There can also be the opportunity for bacon? If pigs were killable butchers called cut into slices, and bacon can be cooked by cooks.
Also maybe since with every Butcher comes a slaughter house, maybe this can work well with the user allowed to own their own animal farm with chickens, cows, sheep and what not, kind of like farming allotments dedicated for animals. Only you can see your own animals though.
22-Apr-2012 05:58:11