@Robin: Yes they are, as my thread said I am a rank for one of these such worlds, I am part of a non combat SC clan on World 70. You will find 9 out of 10 games we are Pk'er free, that's the closest thing you will get to combat free SC.
I think JaGex making combat free worlds would be pointless, #1 they always intended Stealing Creation to be a mix of combat and skilling, a game for both sides. Secondly if JaGex want to support their communities in anyway then they'd be best off letting the private clans such as the one I belong to run non-combat games, this way they support community based organisations and also satisfy players asking for non-combat SC.
On a final note, as I mentioned Stealing Creation was made to be a game for both skillers and combat based accounts. The purpose of the game is to collect as many points as possible, while stopping the other team from getting points, basing the opposing team is just 1 strategy of doing this, if they are all stuck in their base, then they cannot collect, leaving the skillers on the controlling team to get points. Therefore fulfilling the purpose of the game.
I think the tunnels would be a terrible idea, it'd just ruin the idea of the game, as far as it goes with high levels, I have played 2 accounts actively at SC and one was level 133 and the other was level 92, both accounts I can easily knock up most kills even with level 138's ingame. I have never once in my time in SC been on a team that got based. So as far as I'm concerned if you're getting based you're not playing it very well. People rely too much on ancients and magic, If you die as a mager you lose your runes, your armour, your items making you pretty much useless for the entire remainder of the game, if you're a 1 item'er you can pretty much die and just re-equip your dagger and go again making you far more lethal, also I find Lunar Spellbook is more effect at Stealing Creation if used properly.
10-Nov-2010 01:26:08