I do have to agree to some extend on several points.
Even as the attackers, basing the opposing team is boring, i'd much rather an all out fight in the middle of the map than us having locked the entire team in their base.
Although I am a 1 item'r currently (due to no longer having access to my 133 account and my level 92 now 100 having lame levels outside combat) I do not like to go after noobs, infact I am well known amoung my friends for spending a game chasing a level 130+ killing them just to annoy them 'cos we know how they love to get killed by a level 100.
I still not sure I agree with the tunnels. I think that Non Combat SC Clans should get more exposure from Jagex, so more players know about them, enabling them to take advantage, any players I see in a combat game complaining about being Pk'd and wanting to play with no fighting, I always tell them to join a clan chat of a non combat clan, and try briefly to tell them to go there and why.
If they choose to stay in World 158 or 164 then that is their perogative and I have no sympathy for them.
26-Nov-2010 04:48:29