_This is off-topc, but if you play stealing creations as much as you have, then you have expereinced the glitches like i have. I cant explain all of them, but they include:
-Not having the 'attack' option for enemies.
-Stuck in enemies barriars.
-Tele'd out of any area, including your own barriar, when the enemy makes his own barriar next to you.
-Mute for a game (not a jagex mute, just happens randomly)
Theres many more im sure, but i gotta say those glitches are top of the list to fix before releasing more updates and they havn't since the released sc. I personally feel jagex is neglecting so many things... but thats another story.
_Any how, you got the right idea on tunnels, but it should only have the option to enter a tunnel to the fogs, not a re-enter option for the base (so enemy cant trace). Any how gl with thread.
24-Jul-2010 01:26:47