I support for the fact that even with my pathetic 90s in melee stats, 85 range and 86 mage, I am completely useless in sc. Why? After I take one barrage, the game's over, since from that point I can never leave the spawn without getting barraged again. And again, and again, endlessly. It ruins the game for all the people that want some combat, not massacres. Really, the same goes for Castle Wars and Soul Wars, although at least Castle Wars has the ladder you can take. Stealing Creation? If you die after the five minute mark, enjoy sitting in the base for the next fifteen. Soul Split really doesn't help the situation.
Let's be honest, the only reason this is even a problem isn't combat, it's a few maxed people that camp spawns and ruin it for everyone. It's not even mildly entertaining if you aren't the one barraging, so why even bother? If I need tools, I just go to noncombat, otherwise it's dead content to me.
27-Jan-2012 05:17:31